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Monday, December 28, 2009

The penguin borrows a prison computer to find the identity of the mask thief.

There are certain words that a super villain must use frequently. I'm compiling a list of them. Here are just a few:


Monday, December 21, 2009

I'm Teaching You How to Make Soup!

The lame pointy guy reveals another clue about the thief, and the Cos Player gets arrested.

Sometimes you have to stretch out your neck for a friend. Other times, you have to stretch out your neck for a duck dressed as a drill sergeant. He's just not been the same since 'Nam.

Who cares, though? Blaster Master is on the Virtual Console now. FINALLY! Now, if we could just get Earthbound.

Monday, December 14, 2009

By that time, all the porcupines had already boarded the spaceship.

Eel Marty tells Sunglasses the story of the quest for the Cos Player mask, and hints at who might have taken it.
I think the journey of the rabbit and his partner would make a good cartoon, if I ever get some Flash software.
I might have turned the image quality on my scanner a bit too high. Sorry if this takes a while to load.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Drive One Home Today!!!

A masked man robs a bank while dressed as Inspector Gadget.

You have to have been reading these for this one to make any sense.

Is the picture quality in these still good? I don't know about this new scanner.

Monday, November 30, 2009


The Cos Player visits the old mountain woman for advice on finding her mask.
Video games are fun, but they're not always realistic. I must have eaten thousands of jelly beans in my life, and not once have I turned into a trampoline.
Sorry about the quality of this one. I drew it while I was away for Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunglasses investigates the missing mask while Ernie the rabbit drills into the ceiling for no reason.

I went in to Toys 'R Us the other day to download that new Pokemon and buy a DS game case. So, I downloaded the Arceus, and proceeded to checkout. As I was leaving, I said to the cashier, "Thanks for the Pokemon download." She replied, "We don't have it." I said, "Yes... Yes you do." She said, "No, we never got it." I said, "Yes you did. I downloaded it." She said, "No, we don't have the disk." I said, "I downloaded. It's in my DS. I have it right here in my pocket. You have it." At this point, she sang, "Here is my, here is my- No, you can't download my Pokemon... My Po-Po-Pokemon, my Po-Pokemon." I might have made the last part up.

If anyone knows how to program in Perl and Nyx, my next door neighbor is looking to hire someone. Ask your computer friends.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Penguin interrogates the pointy haired guy about the stolen mask.

The saga continues.
Wikipedia owes me one, for all the obscure cartoons and things I reference that people have to look up.

By the way, I added some fun lists and stuff at the bottom of the page. Enjoy.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Nobody EVER Pays Me in Gum!

This is the first part of an ongoing saga!

I raked all the leaves into a big pile this weekend. I wanted to put them in garbage bags, but no one would help me, so instead, I put a wig and some goofy lady's sunglasses on it, and now we have to ask it for advice.

In that one frame, that's a speech bubble from Sunglasses under the table. It's not a Chao that's melting, or an amoeba.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

My Name is Jerry. Will You Be My Friend?

Cold dessert and heights are a bad combination.  Penguin does something weird and random, etc.

Kudos if you know what game I'm parodying.
Those creatures at the end came to me in a dream, and said to me, "Charlie, you must put us in your comic... or we will burn down the Space Mountain ride." No, they didn't actually say that. One of them did pose as an undiscovered Pokemon at a toy store, though. You could even store coins in its trumpet shaped mouth! Useful! Convenient!

Monday, October 19, 2009

I missed How I Met Your Mother because of a fire. I hope they put them out.

Penguin weighs in on the health care debate.

This is as close as I get to political satire.
You can't wear an oven mitt on your head and call yourself a fireman! I know it seems like a good idea, but these people train hard, and you can't just run in there with an oven mitt and a Supersoaker and try to play hero! I feel dizzy... Has anyone seen my car keys?

Monday, October 12, 2009

'Till All Are One, or at least Until 3:00 PM.

Underwear nunchuck kid.  Roger Moore says YTMND.  Keyboard Cats from Zerowing.  LOL Crabs.  Leave Jack the Ripper Alone kid.  Howard Hughes interrups the Emmies.  Skateboard Snail. A falcon.  Charles Work PPL PSAs.

I nearly stabbed myself in the face while unloading dishes. I nearly tripped on my own pant leg while unloading some sharp knives. Such an injury surely would have ruined my comics, or at least my long weekend.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Dust makes me sad.

Eel Marty gives the penguin the wrong cutlery at a dinner party.  Lily plays them out on the keyboard.

Some people are in some kind of panic because they don't think Obama was born in the U.S., but Kennedy openly admitted to being a German citizen, and nobody said anything. I don't get it.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Dangerous Pancakes.

You'll never guess who I ran into.  It was Santa.

That's a whale at the end, and not a chameleon.

That game "Muramasa: The Demon Blade" is pretty good. It's not as monotonous as Nintendo Power made it sound. Still, it's best played in short bursts, and not for hours at a time.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Car Was.

No Punchilne.  Just an angry turtle.
No punchline this week. Just an angry turtle. I thought about using a robot instead, but I've been doing that a lot lately.
The title is supposed to read "You are hamburger." The pen was running out of ink.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Quentin Terentino Rejects?

Penguin receives an unexpected visit from the future and we discover a hidden robot.

Sorry about the low quality of the artwork one. I was in a hurry. It was a busy weekend. Lets all have a cheer for that robot though!

I finally got my new computer. It's pretty sweet. It has a twenty four inch widescreen monitor, which I use to watch Captain N and The New Super Mario World on DVD.

I don't like bumper stickers that I can't read from a distance.

Anyway, does anyone know a place where you can get a laptop fixed? I really need those Wordperfect documents out of mine.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

I Worked Hard for that Laffy Taffy!

The Legendary Starfy and Fire Emblem are nothing like they are in real life.

My neighbors annoy me because they already have a whole mess of Halloween junk on their porch. It's not Halloween yet! It's ninety degrees out, for crying out loud! Besides, Halloween is a weird holiday. It's a holiday dedicated to scaring children, based on a tradition of bribing vandals with candy.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Stop this madness at once!

Lily and the others enter a fashion design show.  Sunglasses builds a Varia suit. Penguin bakes an Elmo cake.

I hope I did good enough job drawing that Varia suit that no one will notice Sunglasses' misshapen face in the same panel.

I ordered a new computer. I hope it's a good computer, and not the kind with the giant green sneering face that talks to you like that Captain Planet villain used.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Charles Doesn't Want to Eat That!!!

Actual results may vary from patient to patient.

My computer is over. I had to borrow my sister's Mac to get this online. Does anyone have any good recommendations, computer-wise?

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Top Hat Man writes a comic.

Samurai Jack cannot rest until Aku is defeated. I feel the same way about local car salesman Chad Fowler. Fowler!!! Why must you continue to spread your evil across this land?!

I've been wondering about hair metal band names. Here's the conundrum: "Poison" kills "Ratt." "White Snake" eats "Ratt." "Poison" kills "White Snake." What stops "Poison?" My guess would be "The Cure," but I'm probably wrong on this one.

Apparently, the fire department doesn't rescue cats from trees anymore. This troubles me.

Monday, August 10, 2009

No- I mean yes- I like strawberries.

Sunglasses has some kind of layered nightmare involving mercury poisoning, ghosts, and vampire raccoons.

I finally beat up that pig I was telling you all about. Congratulations, me!

The other day, I got a chance to see FBI consultant and former con-artist Frank Abagnale give a speech. I thought it would be really funny if the following conversation took place.

Audience Member 1: What was it like having Christopher Walken as a father?
Abagnale: No, no. You seem to be confused with a movie that was based on my life. It was a great film, but film makers always portray things from their own point of view.
Audience Member 2: Did you really lock yourself in a theatre for years at a time while saying "Show me the blueprints, show me the blueprints" over and over?
Abagnale: (Pauses awkwardly.) Okay... I think you're confusing me with Howard Hughes, on whom a completely different movie was based.
Audience Member 3: What was it like to die on the Titanic?
Abagnale: (Growing annoyed) No, that was another character from a different movie. Stop that. Next question.
Audience Member 4: You were really terrible in that modern day interpretation of Romeo and Juliet.
Abagnale: (Angrilly) That's not even a question! Stop that!
Audience Member 5: How did it feel to be Geoffrey Chaucer, the imaginary room mate in "A Beautiful Mind?"
Abagnale: (Boiling with rage) That's not even a Dicaprio character, and that wasn't Geoffrey Chaucer! You have two movies mixed up, and neither of them involve me!!!

...and so on. I considered doing a comic like this, but it wouldn't have been my style.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

I Can't Control My Psionic Eye Blasts!!!

They make a show about famous movie maker and aviator Howard Hughes, but it gets cancelled.  Cos Player discovers that giant snails can be trained.

Howard Hughes was a famous millionaire movie maker and aviator. This is funnier if you've seen "The Aviator." Why did people stop wearing hats?

I ate a delicious sandwhich the other day. It was a ham and cheese sandwhich that ws breaded and deep fried. It's called a Monte Cristo. It's delicious, but not terribly healthy, and has the odd side affect of making you think that you are a wealthy Frenchman, falsely accused of treason and looking for revenge upon the man who stole everything from you.

The Legendary Starfy is a good game, but it's not very challenging.

Is anyone else's computer monitor bigger than mine? I'm wondering if I should scan these comics in a higher resolution.

Monday, July 27, 2009

I Smell a Winner!

Sunglasses gets no respect and Lily collects Barbies.

Barbie is a trademark of Mattel. McDonalds is a trademark of McDonalds. Olive Oil is a trademark of the Popeye people.
I really wanted to put more Barbie stuff in Lily's room, but I couldn't think of much else. Maybe one of those Power Wheels Barbie Jeeps, or a Barbie blanket. Unfortunately, I don't know much about Barbie. That one on the right side of the top shelf is supposed to be astronaut Barbie, not freakishly deformed cyclops Barbie, which is how it looks.
My grandmother is convinced they'll be coming after me with butterfly nets when they start reading these comics.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Product Shown Rated E through T.

Penguin notices something is missing.  Giant snails attack.
No, they aren't holding giant cinammon rolls. They're just running at high speed to get away from those snails.
I feel sorry for Sideways in the Transformers movie, getting killed off in the first ten minutes. For a Decepticon, he didn't seem like that bad a guy, judging from his character bio. Still, Sideswipe cutting him in half was one of the coolest things I've ever seen.

Update: 7/23/09:
I don't know if you've heard this or not, but it seems Comedy Central is trying to bring back Futurama... WITHOUT the original voice cast. If you've ever watched the show, then I don't need to explain why this cannot be allowed to happen. There are already two Facebook groups set up to prevent this travesty. I'll put some links to these groups to the right. I reccomend you join them both if you have a Facebook account. They've dug up some e-mail addresses to which we can send our complaints, and plead with those in charge to change their minds about this before it's too late. I'll go ahead and reprint them here, in case any of my readers would like to help stop this injustice.

Monday, July 13, 2009

That is Crazy, Jade. You Are Crazy!

The Librarian and Zeitgeist duke it out.

If you caught my literary reference, kudos.
Man... Never handle comics with wet hands. Does anyone have a program that could take that smudge out?

Monday, July 06, 2009

I Once Ran in the Indie 500!!!

Penguin and Eugene explain that Transformers II and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull are awesome.
Penguin and Eugene give Top Hat what-for about Transformers 2 and Indiana Jones 4.

Seriously. I love both of those movies. What is up with all the negativity towards Revenge of the Fallen? If you ask me, these people hated it before they entered the theatre, and nitpicked every little thing in order to justify their hatred. I think it was great. I especially liked Jetfire's scene. Yes, there were a couple crude jokes, but it was still much cleaner than a lot of Pg-13 movies (I'm looking at you, Austin Powers). Ordinarily, I would go into a long essay, explaining point by point why this movie is worth seeing, but since people have already gone resorted to ridicilous hyperbole against this film, I have no choice but to use ridiculous hyperbole in its defense.

Revenge of the Fallen is not only the best movie ever made, but possibly the best movie possible. All Hollywood studios should close their gates, as there is clearly no point in producing any more films.

I think we could bring peace to the Middle East with this movie. Just build a giant projector in Israel, and project the film onto the moon. After seeing this cinematic masterpiece, there will be peace between Israel and Palestine, and all the world's children will gather together and sing.

In small quantities, a daily dose of Revenge of the Fallen can promote long life, and halt male pattern baldness in ninety-three percent of test cases.

One time, I was swimming in the ocean, and I was attacked by a pack of viscious tiger sharks. Revenge of the Fallen rode in on surfboard, and rescued me using naught but its own psyionic mind bullets.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Welcome to Planet Dirt!!!

Penguin runs up and down stairs at work.  Hammer Boy is awesome.

I went and saw Transformers 2 this weekend. It was pretty awesome. It gets the Charles Work seal of approval. Unfortunately, this is often a kiss of death, but I think this movie's doing well enough to take it.

You know when someone's having a garage sale, and you come up to the sign and scribble a 'b' into the sign so that it says "Garbage Sale?" Stop doing that!

Sometimjes, an institution will have a number to call if you need them to make accomodations based on disabilities. If you're going to a funny play or movie, you should call and say that you were born without a sense of humor, and you need someone to explain all the jokes to you. If they ask if this is a joke, tell them maybe it is; you can't tell because you were born without a sense of humor.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Shoes are Full of Jelly Beans!

The Penguin flushes weird stuff.

Dang it, McDonalds! This is a BARBIE! I specifically said I wanted the Hot Wheels Happy Meal!!!

What's the deal with ninjas and giant frogs?

Today is Father's day, so we had steaks. Too bad our father lives out of town. He probably would have enjoyed them. Come to think of it, my siblings weren't here either. I guess I should have said I had a steak.

Why remove the water from the bottom of the ocean? If you try to remove the water from the bottom of the ocean, the water at the top of the ocean will just flow down to fill in the gap. Man, it's good to get that off my chest.

Monday, June 15, 2009

There Was Nothing the Psychiatrists Could Do!

Lily causes her neighbor to get trapped in a box.

Captain Archer is actually one of my favorite Star Trek captains. Bakula rules.
I'm trying to find a new computer. Does anyone have any reccomendations?

Monday, June 08, 2009

Nail It Down!!!

Top Hat Man gets tackled by a lion while buying a desk.  M.A.S.H. references!!!
Based on a true story! ...sort of.
If you know anyone who watched that show M.A.S.H., ask if they can spot the two references in this comic.
Okay, so I go through the drive through at Long John Silver's, and I say to the guy, "I'd like a number one combo with a Dr. Pepper." The guy just says, "Yah cannae have it!" So, I'm like, "Why the heck not?!" and the guy just says, "It doesn'ah like you!" (May not have happened.)
Who cares about any off this, though? GOLDEN SUN IS COMING TO THE DS!!!

Monday, June 01, 2009

(Screen Images Simulated.)

Sunglasses discovers the shocking truth behind the bread monsters while a band does a lame cover of Eight Days a Week.

Marmaduke is a comic about a great Dane. Other great Danes include Hamlet, Beowulf and whoever invented Legos.
Does anyone still read this comic? Maybe I need to get a real web page so that the search engines can find it.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Is There a Doctor in the House?

I had to help trimy my cat Mitten's fur this weekend. He didn't like it very much.

I think that dog Marmaduke is a great dane. Other great Dane's include Beowulf and whoever invented Legos.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Charlie's Home for Imaginary Numbers.

Sunglasses sees another bread monster.

I played that game "Klonoa" over the past week. It's pretty awesome, but not nearly long enough. Still, I reccommend it.
I really wish I could do something about these blasted ants. They're everywhere!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Give the Spider a Hug!!!

Is Sunglasses losing his mind?

That monster wasn't supposed to look like Shockwave in Transformers Animated, but he kind of does.
If I close my eyes and cover my ears, I can still hear that sleeping pig... mocking me.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Stop Eating My Gummy Bears!!!

The Ninja tries to help Sunglasses play hero but instead gets the snot beaten out of him.

The Ninja owed Sunglasses one for rescuing him from the quicksand.

Don't tell me how much tortilla soup I can eat! I know what my stomach can handle!

That game "The Avalon Code" is pretty awesome.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Help Me Get These Lobster Claws Off My Arms.

Penguin writes a weird poem and the ninja is rescued from quicksand.

The other day, I was playing video games, and a six hundred foot tall scorpion burst into our trailer. My brother rushed in and slew it using not but his wits and psionic mind bullets. We threw him a ticker-tape parade.

Seriously, though. How do I beat that sleeping pig in The World Ends with You? I can't rest until I've finished it.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cracks in Walls May be a Sign of Foundation Problems.

Sunglasses seeks the advice of the Old Mountain Woman.

...Seriously, though. Who can help me finish that game? I've almost got it, except for that blasted sleeping pig that runs away when I hit it. Don't tell me to go to Gamefaqs. They aren't any help.

If you meditate, and then you still want to destroy someone, you're not doing it properly.

I would like to close with a question. I'll post the answer next week.
Q: If my grandmother had wheels instead of arms and legs, she would be a car, and not my grandmother.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Did You See That!? Bigfoot just Stole my Lunchbox!

King Arthur feels insulted By Sonic and the Black Knight.
Sorry. This one's not that great. I had to do my taxes. Also, my Masterpiece Grimlock just arrived. Plus, I did that really good one last week, and I didn't feel like spending all weekend on another one.

Monday, April 06, 2009

The Exciting Contusion!

The therapy continues, wwith a startling revelation about Lily and her ancestry.
Now, part two of the epic 100th comic, in full color.
If you've not been here in a couple weeks, scroll down and read part one first, or else this won't make any sense.

My sister had Powerwheels mixed up with Hotwheels, and thought I was talking about little die cast cars for cats. Hotwheels for cats? That's just absurd. No one would buy them.
I saw a little girl crash her dad's electric shopping cart into her mom at Wal-Mart the other day.
When I see the word "Octomom" on the cover of a supermarket tabloid, I mistake it for "Octoman," and am immediately disappointed that they're not talking about an obscure F-Zero character.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Can't Get These Socks of My Hands!

Everyone goes to a group therapy session.

This is really only half a comic. I decided to split it up over two weeks.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Everyone Knows It's Windy!

Everybody turns out to be a robot.

It wouldn't be funny if you saw it coming, now, would it?

I thought I had a great idea with that "She's a slow walker" song, but it turns out I subconsciously stole it from the song "She's a heartbreaker." Dang it!!!

It's storming tonight, so if you don't hear from me next week, it probably means my house blew away. Just a heads up.

I jammed a key into my chest because a cartoon told me to.

Monday, March 16, 2009

We Buy House?

Sunglasses used to be fat and underestimated the longevity of the Pokemon show.

This isn't my hundredth comic. That's coming in a couple weeks. This is my hundredth post, but a couple of those didn't have comics in them.

The EPA really needs to investigate Sherwin Williams. Judging from their sign, their planning to take an enormous can of red paint and dump it directly into the ocean.

Monday, March 09, 2009

I Ate My Pants... )-:

The Raccoon goes to a therapist and talks about his childhood, which apparently involved zombies and musical numbers.

I'm coming up on my hundredth comic. What should I do? I should at least do a two page comic in color.
I wish Nintendo Power still had comics.

Edit (3/11/09):
Here are some things I forgot to mention.
AAAAAGH!!! BANJO! KAZOOIE! What have they done to you!!? You're all square and boxy! You look like you just came out of a Dire Straights video!

I wrote a folksy song about people walking in front of me while I'm driving.
She's a slow walker,
She's a cell-phone talker,
She's a slow walker,
She's a road blocker,
That's all I have so far.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Keep Your Squirrels OUT of My Garbage!!!

A case of mistaken identity causes the penguin to insult everything the Cos-Player stands for.

"The Arches" was from an annoying 80's McDonalds ad.

I'm giving up lint for Lent! EVERYBODY CLEAN OUT YOUR POCKETS!!!
Why can't the Wii have Street Fighter?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Why does Spider Man work at a newspaper? Spiders hate newspaper!

Sunglasses borrows a phone and gets embarassed at a meeting.  Ninja gets trapped in quicksand.  Hammer Boy practices his cybernetics.

Build a Cat? Is that the best I can come up with?

I'd really like to put these comics in a book or something, but I think I need to work on the artwork first. Anyway, I think I would need at least two hundred comics.

Monday, February 16, 2009

These Cats are Ruining the Experiment!

Penguin yells at some random lady who called on accident.  The spiky haired guy seeks revenge against fictitious Claymation character Lick Broccoli.

Apparently, that broccoli farm is located in some kind of weird Bizzarro world where the grass on the side of the road is darker than the asphalt.
Today I cleaned out my car, and the neighbors cats kept trying to climb in. I tried to explain to them that I know a cat who got into the neighbors car and got himself locked in for a week and suffered severe psychological trauma as a result, but cats don't listen.
The mother cat was like, "I want to get ice cream!" and I was like "NoOoOoOoOoO!"
Then, the little cat was like, "I call shotgun!" and I was like "NoOoOoOoOoOoOo!"

Monday, February 09, 2009

I'm Wearing a Tiny Octopus On My HEAD!

Deathrow Tull murders a ketchup bottle.  The bottle is survived by a bottle of mustard and a jar of orange marmelade.

It's Halloween again, so I decided to do a Halloween comic...
It's NOT Halloween?!
Then why are there so many scary movies out this month?!

Monday, February 02, 2009

The spikey haired guy is an idiot.  Sunglasses convinces him that the penguin was killed by Claymated vegetable rock star Lick Broccoli.

This is the problem with writing a really good comic strip. You scribble out another one the next week, and everyone wonders what the heck is wrong.

Sometimes, a gecko hangs out on our window. I've not seen him in a while. I miss our gecko.

...Did I already make a Lick Broccoli reference? I may have forgotten.