I finally beat up that pig I was telling you all about. Congratulations, me!
The other day, I got a chance to see FBI consultant and former con-artist Frank Abagnale give a speech. I thought it would be really funny if the following conversation took place.
Audience Member 1: What was it like having Christopher Walken as a father?
Abagnale: No, no. You seem to be confused with a movie that was based on my life. It was a great film, but film makers always portray things from their own point of view.
Audience Member 2: Did you really lock yourself in a theatre for years at a time while saying "Show me the blueprints, show me the blueprints" over and over?
Abagnale: (Pauses awkwardly.) Okay... I think you're confusing me with Howard Hughes, on whom a completely different movie was based.
Audience Member 3: What was it like to die on the Titanic?
Abagnale: (Growing annoyed) No, that was another character from a different movie. Stop that. Next question.
Audience Member 4: You were really terrible in that modern day interpretation of Romeo and Juliet.
Abagnale: (Angrilly) That's not even a question! Stop that!
Audience Member 5: How did it feel to be Geoffrey Chaucer, the imaginary room mate in "A Beautiful Mind?"
Abagnale: (Boiling with rage) That's not even a Dicaprio character, and that wasn't Geoffrey Chaucer! You have two movies mixed up, and neither of them involve me!!!
...and so on. I considered doing a comic like this, but it wouldn't have been my style.