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Sunday, August 02, 2009

I Can't Control My Psionic Eye Blasts!!!

They make a show about famous movie maker and aviator Howard Hughes, but it gets cancelled.  Cos Player discovers that giant snails can be trained.

Howard Hughes was a famous millionaire movie maker and aviator. This is funnier if you've seen "The Aviator." Why did people stop wearing hats?

I ate a delicious sandwhich the other day. It was a ham and cheese sandwhich that ws breaded and deep fried. It's called a Monte Cristo. It's delicious, but not terribly healthy, and has the odd side affect of making you think that you are a wealthy Frenchman, falsely accused of treason and looking for revenge upon the man who stole everything from you.

The Legendary Starfy is a good game, but it's not very challenging.

Is anyone else's computer monitor bigger than mine? I'm wondering if I should scan these comics in a higher resolution.

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