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Monday, March 09, 2009

I Ate My Pants... )-:

The Raccoon goes to a therapist and talks about his childhood, which apparently involved zombies and musical numbers.

I'm coming up on my hundredth comic. What should I do? I should at least do a two page comic in color.
I wish Nintendo Power still had comics.

Edit (3/11/09):
Here are some things I forgot to mention.
AAAAAGH!!! BANJO! KAZOOIE! What have they done to you!!? You're all square and boxy! You look like you just came out of a Dire Straights video!

I wrote a folksy song about people walking in front of me while I'm driving.
She's a slow walker,
She's a cell-phone talker,
She's a slow walker,
She's a road blocker,
That's all I have so far.

1 comment:

Scott Jensen said...

yes! color! two pages! nintendo power! :( needs comics