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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunglasses investigates the missing mask while Ernie the rabbit drills into the ceiling for no reason.

I went in to Toys 'R Us the other day to download that new Pokemon and buy a DS game case. So, I downloaded the Arceus, and proceeded to checkout. As I was leaving, I said to the cashier, "Thanks for the Pokemon download." She replied, "We don't have it." I said, "Yes... Yes you do." She said, "No, we never got it." I said, "Yes you did. I downloaded it." She said, "No, we don't have the disk." I said, "I downloaded. It's in my DS. I have it right here in my pocket. You have it." At this point, she sang, "Here is my, here is my- No, you can't download my Pokemon... My Po-Po-Pokemon, my Po-Pokemon." I might have made the last part up.

If anyone knows how to program in Perl and Nyx, my next door neighbor is looking to hire someone. Ask your computer friends.

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