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Monday, June 29, 2009

Welcome to Planet Dirt!!!

Penguin runs up and down stairs at work.  Hammer Boy is awesome.

I went and saw Transformers 2 this weekend. It was pretty awesome. It gets the Charles Work seal of approval. Unfortunately, this is often a kiss of death, but I think this movie's doing well enough to take it.

You know when someone's having a garage sale, and you come up to the sign and scribble a 'b' into the sign so that it says "Garbage Sale?" Stop doing that!

Sometimjes, an institution will have a number to call if you need them to make accomodations based on disabilities. If you're going to a funny play or movie, you should call and say that you were born without a sense of humor, and you need someone to explain all the jokes to you. If they ask if this is a joke, tell them maybe it is; you can't tell because you were born without a sense of humor.

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