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Monday, October 26, 2009

My Name is Jerry. Will You Be My Friend?

Cold dessert and heights are a bad combination.  Penguin does something weird and random, etc.

Kudos if you know what game I'm parodying.
Those creatures at the end came to me in a dream, and said to me, "Charlie, you must put us in your comic... or we will burn down the Space Mountain ride." No, they didn't actually say that. One of them did pose as an undiscovered Pokemon at a toy store, though. You could even store coins in its trumpet shaped mouth! Useful! Convenient!

Monday, October 19, 2009

I missed How I Met Your Mother because of a fire. I hope they put them out.

Penguin weighs in on the health care debate.

This is as close as I get to political satire.
You can't wear an oven mitt on your head and call yourself a fireman! I know it seems like a good idea, but these people train hard, and you can't just run in there with an oven mitt and a Supersoaker and try to play hero! I feel dizzy... Has anyone seen my car keys?

Monday, October 12, 2009

'Till All Are One, or at least Until 3:00 PM.

Underwear nunchuck kid.  Roger Moore says YTMND.  Keyboard Cats from Zerowing.  LOL Crabs.  Leave Jack the Ripper Alone kid.  Howard Hughes interrups the Emmies.  Skateboard Snail. A falcon.  Charles Work PPL PSAs.

I nearly stabbed myself in the face while unloading dishes. I nearly tripped on my own pant leg while unloading some sharp knives. Such an injury surely would have ruined my comics, or at least my long weekend.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Dust makes me sad.

Eel Marty gives the penguin the wrong cutlery at a dinner party.  Lily plays them out on the keyboard.

Some people are in some kind of panic because they don't think Obama was born in the U.S., but Kennedy openly admitted to being a German citizen, and nobody said anything. I don't get it.