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Monday, February 16, 2009

These Cats are Ruining the Experiment!

Penguin yells at some random lady who called on accident.  The spiky haired guy seeks revenge against fictitious Claymation character Lick Broccoli.

Apparently, that broccoli farm is located in some kind of weird Bizzarro world where the grass on the side of the road is darker than the asphalt.
Today I cleaned out my car, and the neighbors cats kept trying to climb in. I tried to explain to them that I know a cat who got into the neighbors car and got himself locked in for a week and suffered severe psychological trauma as a result, but cats don't listen.
The mother cat was like, "I want to get ice cream!" and I was like "NoOoOoOoOoO!"
Then, the little cat was like, "I call shotgun!" and I was like "NoOoOoOoOoOoOo!"

1 comment:

Scott Jensen said...

poor kittehs...well, actually poor you. And sooner or later all the comics should be in a book. I'd soo buy it!