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Monday, December 29, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p47

Jarka begins to explain his master's plan.
I also drew up a quick animated short this week. I'll upload it to as soon as I have the bugs worked out.

Monday, December 22, 2014

New T-Shirt and Mug!

I took a break from the graphic novel to do what I promised to do last week. Need a new mug? Now you can order one from my Redbubble store!
Sinister Android's Pub: Available on Mugs, T-Shirts, Etc!
Also, I wanted to share something for some friends of mine, dedicated to a character very dear to all our hearts: Nikki the Swapnote hostess!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p46

Jarka the Sinestroid tells the tale of a mythical beast.
Forty Six Pages. I'm almost halfway there. The story's just starting to pick up again.
If you're just joining us, the Rabbit was recently confronted by Jarka the Sinestroid, an evil robot modeled after the Raccoon. Jarka the Sinestroid has rendered himself virtually immortal through a seemingly endless supply of back-up copies of himself, and is apparently looking to the Rabbit for answers to some pressing matter, the knowledge of which he undoubtedly wishes to exploit for his own gain. Also, the first frame would look really good on a t-shirt, don't you think? I'll work on that.

Monday, December 08, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p45

If you're not familiar with the sinister robot Rabbit is fighting this week, it's named Jarka the Sinestroid, an evil robotic duplicate of everyone's favorite talking Raccoon. Go watch the Cyborg King series on if you're not familiar. It's awesome.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Cos Play Hero p33, p34

The Rabbit procedes into the secret base, only to find a really weird elevatorThe Rabbit discovers a foreboding place. Two comics this week! Lucky you!
Roughly one person total will get the joke in the first page.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p42

Rabbit and Co. infiltrate a secret desert base.
I've increased the font size a little bit to make it more legible.
The Herman Cain joke is a running gag from a previous comic, in which Herman Cain appears as a cartoon dog in a long-running cartoon series.
Oh, and a new greeting card / t-shirt is up on my Red Bubble shop. Check it out.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p41

The Council finds that Rabbit and Co are already in Egypt.

Is anyone reading this? Just leave me a comment. I really need some feedback here. Is it legible? Can you see that the Christmas Elf in the third panel has a sharpened candy cane strapped to his arm?
The Juice Goblin is a character I doodled before I started this blog. I've been looking for a way to work him into the comic for years. Long time readers (or short time readers, if you've decided to binge read all my 300 plus posts in one sitting) might remember that Santa Claus has trouble taking responsibility for his traffic accidents.
Also, I just now realized that all the text was somehow taken out of Part 18. I have corrected this blunder here. You see, this is why I need you to keep reading this stuff.

Monday, November 03, 2014

Daylight what now?

Ugh... No new Cos-Player Hero comic this week. I've been working on a new cartoon, and it turned out to be a lot more work than I expected. Here's a preview:

Preview for a Fire Emblem parody cartoon.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p40

The Cos-Player\'s Lick Broccoli phone gives her a message from a mysterious voice of her past.

That's forty pages! Yay me! Boy, it's going to take forever to color these...
Also, I think that's my second Lick Broccoli reference in this comic, if anyone is counting. If you are, I pity you.
Also, if this doesn't make sense, it's because it was supposed to appear after p37. I'm kind of switching back and forth between two parts of the storyline. It keeps me entertained.
I was wrong. This is the third Lick Broccoli reference. Maybe I shouldn't talk about Lick Broccoli so much. No one remembers Lick Broccoli. It may be a waste of time to talk about Lick Broccoli on my blog.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p38

This is the first time The Internet has appeared in the comic. (He's the winged cat character, if you're not familiar.) I thought about pasting him in using the image I've already drawn, to keep with his previous appearances as a static sprite character, but I thought it would look really crummy in comic form. By the way, I forgot to mention last week that I've updated with a new comics viewer and a music player. The music player makes use of cutting edge technology, so you might need to update your version of Chrome to whatever version comes out next year. Yeah, it's that high tech. That, or I didn't post it properly... but probably the browser. That's the kind of message I keep getting when I try to visit sites using MY browser, anyway. (I'll try and fix it later.)

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p36

Magnum Badger springs his former boss, the Evil Penguin, from ice prison.
That look on the ghost's face in the second to last frame is hilarious. I guess that guard just didn't have the wight stuff. (Remind me to add that pun in for the final version.) Anyway, I have no idea where that weird smudge over Evil Penguin's face came from, in the second frame.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p34

Penguin interrogates Evil Penguin.

Ugh. That last frame didn't turn out right. Try to ignore the artwork there. I'll fix it eventually.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p32

Penguin questions Professor Maskstaschen in prison.
It was... Howard the Duck.
Not really. You're just going to have to wait until next week... if you're reading this... which I know you're not, because readership is way down on this blog. What the heck happened, man!?

Monday, August 11, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p31

Ninja talks about the nineties.
I didn't feel at all like writing a comic today, considering all the terrible things going on today, but I felt it my duty to lighten the mood. I hope it helps.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p30

Penguin interrogates Top Hat at a pizza party.  Talk of Popples ensues.  WHAT the HECk is a POPPLE??

Popples were a thing. Look it up.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p29

Many years ago, the Pointy Haired Guy is left home alone.

Note that this takes place before Olivia the Other Cos-Player finishes telling her story.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p28

Olivia the Other Cos-Player reaches the end of her story, and Penguin interrupts with some terrible news.
Okay, now that I've reached an exciting cliffhanger, I'm going to take some time off from the main storyline to fit in some amusing anecdotes and side stories.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Cos Play Hero p26

Olivia sees a cryptic vision after surviving an explosion. I'm not entirely happy with this one yet, but I'll rework it later. It's supposed to look like a medieval tapestry or a stained glass window. The mechanical creature is supposed to be wearing something resembling the death mask of Agamemnon. Google it.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Cos Play Hero p23, p24, p25

Cos-Player and Eli battle on a helicopter.
Try playing some intense action music while you read this.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Cos Play Hero p21

The company is attacked by animals with bags on their heads.
I meant to post this with the comic last week, but I had some technical difficulties in my house, and I had to take care of those first.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Cos Play Hero p20

Olivia the other Cos-Player argues with a masked stranger.

I actually have another page I drew. I still need to add the speech, though. I'll post it soon. I would have posted sooner, but I had to take some time to enjoy Nintendo WiFi service on my DSi while it was still working.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p19

Olivia the Other Cos Player is saved by a Grocery Ninja.

Ugh... Why does she look like a bird in the second panel!? That's not how it looked on paper!
You're probably wondering why I had no new comic or cartoon last week. Well, it's because I've been working on a comic for Nintendo Force magazine. It should be appearing in the June issue. I recommend you order a copy.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p18

Cos Player is betrayed, and thrown through several walls.  Ouch.

I think I may have scanned it a little crooked... I'll fix it on the final version.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Busy Again

I'm busy with an undisclosed PPL project. Here is something I scribbled on my lunch break at work. Sorry for all the breaks in the storyline. I know it's driving my fan(s) crazy, but it can't be helped. More good stuff is on the way!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Cos Play Hero p17

Keep reading. This is starting to get good. There will be some fan-favorite characters appearing shortly.

Monday, April 07, 2014

Back from Vacation

Raccoon, Lily, and Penguin ride a roller coaster.

I just got back from vacation. I'm working on the next part of the story line, but this thing I scribbled on my lunch break will have to suffice for now.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

New Mindspace Shooter Update

Hey! I made some further improvements to my Flash game.
Mindspace Shooter VB3
I have much more exciting news to discuss, though. Have you heard about the newest confirmed character for Smash Bros. on Wii U and 3DS?

If you're not familiar, Nester is the comic mascot of the now defunct Nintendo Power magazine, which ended its run in December of 2012. Nester is also the star of the Virtual Boy classic "Nester's Funky Bowling," and was featured in "Pro Action Football" on the NES, as well as being mentioned in "Startropics" and "To the Earth." They've not revealed any info about his attacks yet. I'm assuming from the pictures that his Final Smash attack involves throwing a bowling ball at opponents, and that he uses an NES Zapper for his specials. What do you guys think? Are you as excited as I am for this long-neglected hero to finally get his due?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

Cos-Play Hero, p15

Cos-Player gives advice while attacked by machines.
I don't know if this is funny enough. I may be editing the dialogue before the final product.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p12

Cos-Player plans a daring raid.

The trouble with doing a serialized story like this is that sometimes you have to spend a whole comic on exposition and set up. Sorry nothing interesting happened this week.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p10

If I failed to mention it last week, there's a new demo for my game up at Mind you, it's still a work in progress.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p9

Cos-Player dons her new superhero costume.

That's supposed to be a Sockenbearen-themed clock radio tuned to the police radio frequency. I'm not sure it turned out right. Hopefully, this will all look better when I color it.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cos Play Hero p8

Page Eight of the ongoing epic. Late, for no reason.
Top Hat builds Cos-Player a superhero costume.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p7

Other Cos-Player tells what Cos-Player told about Eli telling Cos-Player about her parents.  Confusion ensues.

It didn't really come together until I put in the text, but I'm pleased with how convoluted this week's comic is.