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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p40

The Cos-Player\'s Lick Broccoli phone gives her a message from a mysterious voice of her past.

That's forty pages! Yay me! Boy, it's going to take forever to color these...
Also, I think that's my second Lick Broccoli reference in this comic, if anyone is counting. If you are, I pity you.
Also, if this doesn't make sense, it's because it was supposed to appear after p37. I'm kind of switching back and forth between two parts of the storyline. It keeps me entertained.
I was wrong. This is the third Lick Broccoli reference. Maybe I shouldn't talk about Lick Broccoli so much. No one remembers Lick Broccoli. It may be a waste of time to talk about Lick Broccoli on my blog.

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