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Sunday, June 26, 2022


Magnum prepares to risk everything to retrieve the core.

I didn't really feel like drawing after this week's crummy news. I don't usually talk about serious things like this, but please know that PPL-Comics is a strictly pro-choice comic. I don't have a lot of sway here, and there's nothing I can say that hasn't been said better, but I'm choosing to take a stand for bodily autonomy. If you believe the hypothetical lives of fetal cells somehow outweigh the rights of actual breathing human beings, I'm afraid this might not be the comic for you. There is a chance that will offend some of my readers; I do not care. I know I have a low reader count as it is, but silence is complicity, and it would be remiss if I were to say nothing. It's not much, but I'm going to post some links below if you would like to help protect abortion rights, I'm posting some links below.
Naral, Pro Choice America

Emily's List

Planned Parenthood

Things are bleak, but I'm hopeful that we can win this together, if we all stay in the fight.

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