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Monday, September 16, 2013


Lily Cat delays subway service.

Hi, everybody. If you've been reading for the past several years, you might remember the time I entitled a comic "Brain Tourniquet" the day before I found out my Dad needed brain surgery. Well, I seem to have predicted dire future news through my comic again. Just one day after posting a comic about trying to buy a neighbor's house out from under him, our landlord has sold the entire neighborhood around our house to land developers so they can put in an apartment complex and a Wal Mart Neighborhood market. I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with this, but I'm sure I'll work something out. I'm more worried about my retired and under privileged neighbors who have no where else to go. The guy down the street just moved in last month, and just got his wheel chair ramp installed. I really wish I could tell you I was making this up, but I'm not. Apparently, the people who own the land are not just evil, but cartoonishly evil, to the point of throwing out children and retirees breathing out of oxygen tanks just to give our town a third Wal Mart. Not cool.

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