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Monday, December 30, 2013

Cos-Play Hero p6

OCP continues her retelling, and begins a recursive retelling of a retelling.  What?

I'm not entirely happy with the way this turned out... It looked better on paper. I probably should have left more space for the speech bubbles. I guess I'll have to redo this one later.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Cos Play Hero P5

OCP begins the story of the Cos-Player.
The proportions might be a bit off in the third and fourth panels. I'll try to correct this when I color this in... and improve OCP's dialogue a bit.

Monday, December 09, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

Cos-Play Hero: P1

Ninja takes reckless pictures of him self.  Is that a Sasquatch?
Penguin and Sunglasses discover a weird VHS tape.

I'm starting a new story line here. I hope you like it. It's been going through my head for a while. (That first page isn't part of it. That's the one I threw together at the hotel.)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I kind of hit a series of unforeseen difficulties, so this week's comic will be late. Please be patient. I can assure you the delay hurts me a lot more than it hurts you.

Monday, November 04, 2013

Can't draw a comic right now. Here's a series of hypothetical cats I drew about seven years ago.

I found a mysterious, unlabeled package of Pop Tarts in my cupboard while I was packing my stuff. What flavor of Pop Tart could be in this package? Blueberry? Hot fudge sundae? Who knows? What brave soul will taste the mystery Pop Tart? It could be any one of us. It could even be Mr. Burns!

By the way, here's another Kickstarter you should support. It's the least you could do, after what you did. YOU know what I'm talking about!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Sort of Rushed

Comics are going to be sort of rushed the next couple weeks.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Out of Season

I had to do my Christmas card way out of season so I can order them in advance. I get a discount if I order them in bulk, since Red Bubble is a print-on-demand service. If you're disappointed that this isn't a comic, remember that I COULD have spent this time playing Pokemon X!

Monday, September 30, 2013

That's what the musk ox said.

I ran out of time and did a dumb comic about sweeping squirrels off the floor.

The frame with the squirrels is even funnier out of context.
By the way, here are some Kickstarter campaigns for games I would like to play. I donated to a couple of them, myself.
"Shantae: 1/2 Genie Hero" is funded, but it's about 500,000 short of its stretch goals. I'd like to at least the extra characters at the 900,000 level, if not the animated cutscenes at the 1,200,000 level.

"Mighty Number 9" is directed by Keiji Inafune (the man behind Mega Man), and some of the brilliant people at Inticreates, creators of Mega Man 9 and 10. It's almost reached its last stretch goals, including handheld versions of the games.

"River City Underground" needs some help. It has nine days left, but hasn't met its initial funding goal yet. I've never played "River City Ransom," but I've heard good things about it. It would be a shame if this one wasn't funded. I'd donate myself, but I can't play it until it reaches the Mac/Linux or the Wii U stretch goals, and I've already invested too much in the other two games. This one's up to you!

How do these games look? No, tell me... How do they look? The Kickstarter previews won't play on my computer for some reason. Flash must be on the fritz again.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Half Bear Lion Objects

Sunglasses cooks Simply Barf casserole.  Half-Bear-Lion objects.

It makes more sense when you see the picture I took at Target.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Lily Cat delays subway service.

Hi, everybody. If you've been reading for the past several years, you might remember the time I entitled a comic "Brain Tourniquet" the day before I found out my Dad needed brain surgery. Well, I seem to have predicted dire future news through my comic again. Just one day after posting a comic about trying to buy a neighbor's house out from under him, our landlord has sold the entire neighborhood around our house to land developers so they can put in an apartment complex and a Wal Mart Neighborhood market. I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with this, but I'm sure I'll work something out. I'm more worried about my retired and under privileged neighbors who have no where else to go. The guy down the street just moved in last month, and just got his wheel chair ramp installed. I really wish I could tell you I was making this up, but I'm not. Apparently, the people who own the land are not just evil, but cartoonishly evil, to the point of throwing out children and retirees breathing out of oxygen tanks just to give our town a third Wal Mart. Not cool.

Tuesday, September 03, 2013


Update 9/4/2013:
Since the game is taking longer than I thought, here is a comic for this week. I hope to have the game up by Monday. I would have gotten it up sooner, if it weren't for you meddling pollen and mold spores!
Penguin tries to sell the neighbor house.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Barksdale p4

In the continuing chronicles of Barksdale, a sea monster drinks your milkshake.  He drinks it up.

Coincidentally, it has been one year to the day since I did my first Barksdale comic. I never thought the one year anniversary would coincide with the rerelease of the game based on the show I parodied it off of. That has to be fate or something, right?

Monday, August 12, 2013

I Accidentally Severed One of My Fingers in a Freak Boating Accident Last Week, but Not Really

Sunglasses and Old Lady watch Thundercats.  The elephant is back.  I bet you forgot about the elephant.

I bet you forgot about the elephant. Well, he didn't forget about YOU!
An elephant NEVER forgets.

Monday, August 05, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

Sad and Pathetic?

Stop offering autographs to random strangers.  It is making you look sad and pathetic.

I actually drew this during Soonercon last month. (Sales weren't going well on my stickers.)

Monday, July 22, 2013

No comic this week. I'll have a new cartoon up on, though.
Okay. Here it is! Comic Convention Cartoon.

Monday, July 08, 2013

Pajamas for Beetles!?

Lily the Ferret does things that are not particularly funny or interesting.

Sometimes, the only joke is that there is no joke... but I have a better idea for next week's comic.

Monday, July 01, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Monday, June 17, 2013

Old Lady is back to normal... or is she?  Flylons attack!
Hello, NEWMAN... >:(

Monday, June 10, 2013

Poorly Drawn Sword

Top Hat braves the twelve towers to find the Master Tomatoes that can lift the curse he accidentally inflicted on Old Lady.
Can't talk long. Playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Experiencing nirvana.
If you're familiar with Pandora's Tower, that was supposed to be an Athosian sword on Top Hat's back in the first panel. It turns out they're REALLY hard to draw.

Monday, May 27, 2013


Old Lady becomes a weird mutant.  Cos-Player and the others dress like Batman and Nightwing for no reason.
Also, I entered a photo in one of Nintendo's Facebook contests, and I thought you all might enjoy it:
Nester, Ness, Captain Falcon, Jigglypuff, and others come out of my Nintendo Power magazines and form a rock band, for no reason.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

What Are Fingers?

Young Old Lady beats Penguin and Cos-Player at Nintendo.  Penguin dresses as Adrian Monk to annoy.
I have an Adrian Monk Bobblehead on my desk.
By the way, I removed the "Save the Thundercats" petition link above, because that petition is apparently closed with 9,000 signatures. (It's over 9000!!!) I'm hoping this means the person in charge of the petition knows something I don't, since Cartoon Network never officially announced it as cancelled, though I'm not holding my breath at this point.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

I Need to Read a Magazine

Old Lady saves Ninja and Sunglasses from giant robotic flies.  Penguin and Cos-Player dress as Hercule Poirot and Paula from Earthbound, respectively, and for little or no reason.


Charles Work will be attending Soonercon 22 at the Reed Conference Center in Oklahoma City, on June 28. Please show up promptly for autographs and high-fives. I may have some sort of stickers or print outs for sale, if feasible. ABSOLUTELY NO STALKERS THIS TIME.

When you try to search for Hercule Poirot on the iPhone, it autocorrects it to "Hercule Poorly." It looks like I found the name for my new Agatha Christie parody series!

Monday, April 22, 2013

I don't have anything funny

Old Lady tries to restore her lost strength. It has been a terrible couple weeks in America. I would try to say something uplifting, but I'm not any good at it. The best I can do is to try to alleviate some of the pain with my silly comics. I usually try to write something funny in the comic title panel, but I didn't have anything funny tonight. I just don't feel up to it.

Monday, April 15, 2013

I Saw a Little Kid Punch His Mom in the Eye

Old Lady attempts to use her Mom Power to clean the utility room.
Well, I'm back from Disney World... Now I have to go back to stupid reality. Dang it... and my house smells like rancid milk for some reason. It seems to be coming from the vents.

Friday, April 05, 2013


I hope you all enjoyed my April Fools joke last week. I drew up a poster to commemorate this event.
Eel Marty brings the Marty to you.

Monday, April 01, 2013

Check out my new style!

I know I already kind of did two cartoons last month, but I decided to do a new one as well. I'm taking the cartoon in a brave new direction, and I hope you like it. Check out my new style!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Cos-Player plays a Sockenbearen MMORPG. I hope this is legible. This one is based on a true story, by the way. I've only played Phantasy Star Online and Monster Hunter, but I find that the two ways to enjoy an MMORPG are to either spend hundreds of hours trying to earn the equipment and experience you need, or to just do weird things like this and see how people react.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sorry About That One Thing

Cos-Player and Penguin use Sunglasses to get rid of an annoying neighbor. I felt bad about that dumb cartoon I posted last week, so I did two pictures today. Enjoy. I'm going to go upload the Easter Lily picture to Red Bubble as a card and t shirt. I wanted to do a St. Patrick's shirt as well, but I thought it was too late.

Monday, March 04, 2013

This month's cartoon will be a little late. Why?
Maybe I'm trapped under something heavy.
Maybe Ylisse is being invaded by the mad king Gangrel of Plegia.
Maybe I spent all weekend on it, and it still doesn't look close to finished.
Whatever the case, I'll try to post something tomorrow to tide you all over until its completion. Peace.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Fish Tacos!? SERIOUSLY?

Sunglasses seeks treatment for his recent vision problems. I almost forgot. I've been busy working on the Cyborg King conclusion. It's coming along... slowly.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Valentine failed!
Hey. At least you're not this guy.

Monday, February 04, 2013


New Cartoon! Cyborg King P5!
"This is... really, REALLY weird, man!" --Penguin
I had a dream where I had chainsaws for arms. It wasn't as cool as you would think. It made my wife divorce me... which was fine, because I was married to a box of scalloped potatoes for some reason... and they weren't even the au gratin kind.
(May not have happened.)

Monday, January 28, 2013

My Breath Hurts

Weird Pizza Break!

Monday, January 21, 2013

This One Is Not So Good

Do not ask. It did not turn out right.
Note: Markers aren't the best tool for coloring in web comics, especially when you only have eight colors. I tried mixing red, orange, and yellow to color Sunglasses' face. Now he looks like a pizza. The fourth panel after the title may haunt my dreams forever.

Monday, January 14, 2013

BABY just cares about BABY!!!

The first time Sunglasses watches An American Tale.  Also, there is some kind of court jester made of candy.
(That's the window in frame 4, if you can't tell.)

Monday, January 07, 2013


Penguin and Sunglasses discuss comic book art styles next to the water cooler.
Wow. My comic keeps getting dumber.
Anyway, I forgot to mention it, but I have a new cartoon up at . Go check it out... IMMEDIATELY! ...OR FEAR THE WRATH OF THE CYBORG KING!