Tuesday, December 25, 2012
It's not MY underwear.
Misfit Cards
Monday, December 17, 2012
Woo woo!
Dog Tales,
Other Cos Player
Monday, December 03, 2012
Post Title
By the way, I ordered some of my own T-Shirts for myself. The Lily shirt actually turned out the best, even though it looks discolored on the screen. It must be a CMYK / RGB discrepancy.
Sleepy Dinosaur
Monday, November 26, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
I'm Tired of Eating Iron Filings...
"Penguin Card - Thanksgiving" by CaptainCharlesW | Redbubble:
"Lily - New Years Card" by CaptainCharlesW | Redbubble:
"Lily Birthday Card" by CaptainCharlesW | Redbubble:
"Raccoon Card" by CaptainCharlesW | Redbubble:
I'll be releasing the same designs as T-Shirts as well.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Ben Ten Cats?
Monday, October 29, 2012
What am I, a doctor?
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Monday, October 01, 2012
My Eye Hurts.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Also, here is the picture I entered in Nintendo's 20th Kirby Anniversary contest. Feel free to share this picture. I'm trying to raise awareness for Nintendo Power, to convince NOA to keep it going. Please don't take away my magazine, guys!
Those cupcakes took a long time to bake and decorate. What an exhausting Thursday night that was...
Last Story,
Train Your Dragon
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
I've got Whiskers on my Fingers!!!
I forgot to mention last week that there is a new Cartoon Select screen at PPL-Comics.com. That's why I didn't have a new comic up here.
I wrote this to take part in the Howard and Nester tribute that legendary game master Howard Phillips started on his Facebook page. I thought it might help me get some publicity.
If you're not familiar with the characters, the man dressed as Howard is Sunglasses, and the little guy dressed as Nester is Ninja. Cos-Player is the one dressed as Captain N, and the weird-looking girl in the last frame is Other Cos-Player, dressed as Nester's little-known sister Hester from Nester's Funky Bowling.
By the way, I just found out that, in the ending of the difficult NES game "To the Earth," you receive a thank you note from the leader of the Earth federation, who apparently goes by the name "Nester the Magnificent." Is this supposed to be the same Nester from the comics?! Someone really needs to base a web comic on that one.
Captain N,
Howard and Nester,
Nester's Funky Bowling
Monday, August 27, 2012
This has been a dreadful week for me personally. If you've been following my blog, you know that I'm an avid Nintendo gamer, and the Nintendo community has been faced with some particularly dark news. Much to my dismay, Nintendo Power magazine, the official magazine for all Nintendo game news; the magazine I have read since childhood; the only game magazine I can trust for game reviews and info, is soon to cease publication. I can hardly begin to explain what a terrible blow this is to the game industry. Big name franchises like Mario and Zelda will likely be fine, but without Nintendo Power to cover obscure games like "The World Ends With You" and Solatorobo, how will any of us even know they exist?
"But Charles!" you might say, "can't we just find this info on the internet?"
The internet is best for finding info on specific games for which you are already looking. If you want to find info on the upcoming Castelvania, you're probably fine. Who in their right mind, though, would randomly plug in the words "blob," "boy," and "jelly beans" and happen across a page for "A Boy and His Blob?" Nintendo Power, on the other hand, has been a staunch promoter of games such as Solatorobo, Klonoa, Ghost Trick, Little King Story, Zack and Wiki, Shantae, and countless other criminally under-appreciated gems.
Without a dedicated magazine like this to bring new and original games to our attention, the marketability of these games will surely be diminished. Together with the economic downturn, publishers will be less and less likely to fund more radical endeavors. We'll begin see less and less upstart games like Ghost Trick, Solatorobo, and Monster Tale. The fall of Nintendo Power could signal the beginning of a dark age for the independent minded game developer.
Don't tell me I'm imagining this. You know it has already begun. It may be that Nintendo Power, and those like it, are the dam that is holding back the massive floodwaters of oblivion for all that brings us gamers joy.
Where does this leave yours truly? Ever since I played Super Mario Brothers for the first time, it has been my singular dream to be a game designer, and I have devoted a large amount of time, money, and energy to realize this goal. Considering the situation I described above, though, what are the odds that any of my ideas will see the light of day? How do you suppose this effects my dreams and goals?
What's more, I had always dreamed of seeing a game on which I had worked grace the cover of Nintendo Power magazine. Also, I've always considered winning (or even being nominated for) a Nintendo Power award to be the only accolade of any substance in the entire game community. Are we to merely walk away from this, leaving the unregulated internet community in charge of praising our industry achievers? How do you think the people who bring us games will feel about this?
"We're terribly sorry, Mr. Spielberg, but the Academy disbanded, and doesn't give out awards anymore. Don't worry, though! Your film got five stars from rottentomatoes.com!"
Yet, even in dark times such as this, there remains a glimmer of hope. Nintendo of America has been receptive to fan input before. Look, for example, to their long-awaited publishing of Xenoblade Chronicles, following the large Project Rainfall movement for its release. While I don't know that I can say the same for FutureUS, Nintendo Power's current publisher, I would imagine that they could be persuaded to continue this important magazine if enough people show their support.
So, at the risk of seeming pathetic, I ask of you... I beg of you... PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THIS MAGAZINE. I've included several addresses to which you can send your support. There is also a blog, by the name of Operation Power Up, organized for the continuation of this magazine. I advise each of you to drop each one of them a friendly message, saying how much this magazine means to you, to your friends, and to the world.
In closing, I'm sure some of you may have wondered where I learned to draw my characters. I have had many teachers over the years, but I first practiced my drawing skills by observing and recreating the artwork from Nintendo Power magazine. The issues describing "Super Mario All Stars" and "Street Fighter II: Turbo" were particularly important. So, while this is a longshot, it is indeed possible, that without Nintendo Power, there might be no PPL-Comics.
Please send your support to the following addresses:
Nintendo Power editors:
Future US publishing:
Please take a moment to sign each of these petitions. (There are several of them.)
Finally, please visit this site, operationpowerup.net, if you want to help our cause further.
Operation Power Up
EDIT: 4-19-2014
I took out the petition links above. They were keeping my page from loading properly. Anyway, since I posted this almost two years ago, the heroes at Nintendo Force magazine have taken it upon themselves to bring a high quality Nintendo magazine to American gamers. If you're reading this, Nintendo Force staff members, I tip my hat to you. You've really saved the day. Another magazine, Pure Nintendo, has also stepped in to fill the gap left by Nintendo Power. These are both bi-monthly magazines, so if you like your news on a monthly basis, I recommend subscribing to both of them. Still, while our need for a Nintendo-centered game magazine has been filled, those of us at Operation PowerUp would still like to see the tradition of from-the-source Nintendo news and tips continued, perhaps in an online newsletter format, or as an add-on to the popular Nintendo Club survey and rewards service. Maybe a weekly Nester cartoon on YouTube? We're open to ideas, Nintendo. Will you hear our plea?
Dog Tales,
Herman Cain,
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
I don't like cilantro.
Old Lady,
Rescue Rangers
Monday, July 16, 2012
Monday, July 09, 2012
As a note to new readers, the girl with the ponytail is Mira, a girl who happens to look a lot like Sunglasses. It isn't Sunglasses wearing drag.
By the way, I have new shirts and posters up for sale! Just click the link over to the right.
Monday, July 02, 2012
Did I fix the hyperlink? I need to level up my HTML skills.
Monday, June 25, 2012

Here it is. Sorry about the wait. Did you know you can't login to two different Google accounts at the same time on the same computer? I know! It's very frustrating when you have two of them.
I moved the change.org petition to the top.
Captain N,
Dethro Tull,
Movie Pitch,
Wreck it Ralph
Monday, June 18, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday, June 04, 2012
Sunglasses Interview
Monday, May 28, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Monday, May 07, 2012
This one seems a bit rushed... Sorry. I was on a house keeping rampage this weekend.
Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that I posted a new cartoon at PPL-Comics.com, in which the Ninja babysits Lily the cat. Enjoy!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Sunday, April 08, 2012
Never Eat Shredded Wheat!

The sentient prototype Tiny Robot should appear in this comic, but he was too short to be seen. Custom Action Figure Guy doesn't actually make custom action figures. I'll explain the etymology of his name later. I bet everybody missed Hammer Boy.
Monday, March 26, 2012

I really wanted to lengthen this a bit, and show the professor struggling with the consequences of his terrible actions before finally manning up and agreeing to atone for the abuses that occurred under his watch, but this is just an eight frame comic, and one of those frames is reserved for crazy nonsense, another for the title. Oh well. It's obvious that Professor Staschmasken was only a pawn in the schemes of some greater evil... but who?
tiny robots
Monday, March 19, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Monday, March 05, 2012

I had a rough weekend because Cartoon Network moved "Young Justice" from Friday night to Saturday morning. Now what am I supposed to do? Watching cartoons on a Friday night is the nerd equivalent of a cold beer at the end of a long day. If I watch them on Saturday morning instead, I'll be the nerd equivalent of an alcoholic!
tiny robots
Monday, February 20, 2012
No Thanks. Raspberries Don't Agree With Me.

tiny robots
Monday, February 06, 2012

I really messed up Cos-Player's head. Remind me never to draw her in a ponytail again.
I had the Animaniacs over for dinner last night. They got mad and left because they were "tired of listening to nonsense."
tiny robots
Monday, January 30, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
Bathtub Gin

The neighbor dog lies on his bag and flails his legs wildly. I've seen dogs do this while sleeping, but he's wide awake. Crazy dog. I hope there's not anything wrong with him. Also, my cat only drinks bathtub water.
Crazy Lady
Monday, January 09, 2012
Monday, January 02, 2012
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