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Friday, December 23, 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

Sunglasses earns gratitude crystals for stopping Lily and Eel Marty from using Old Lady and Top hat as Sockenbearen robots.

Gratitude crystals: I'm trying to start a meme.

"Sockenbearen" is the other cartoon I'm planning, once I get some Flash practice in.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Eel Marty is living in a top hat and Sunglasses thinks that he is the Ice King.  My mind is falling apart.  Read ALL the web comics?

I wonder how long I could keep this gag going if I tried.
Man. I'm almost at 250 posts. Why doesn't anyone read these yet?

Monday, December 05, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mira and the Doppelgangers win a costume competition dressing as the cast of Adventure Time.
Mira and the Doppelgangers as Adventure Time cast without speech bubbles.

Still can't talk. Obsessed with Zelda.
Go check out I put up a new link. I'm trying to sell some T shirts. Check it out.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Penguin and friends go as the cast of Solatorobo at a costume competition.  They come in second.


Monday, November 14, 2011

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Monday, October 31, 2011

New cartoon at Check the "Characters" page. So tired.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Ninja gets tired of fighting the pirate.
I sort of ran out of time and had to scribble this out about an hour ago. I've been spending most of my time trying to get a Lily cartoon animated.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mira and the Goose put on a production of Macbeth.

And other weird comic.
It seems like I can draw a funny comic, or a well-drawn comic, but never both.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Lily the talking cat.  Mike the anthropomorphized cat.  Sylvia the feline-o-morphized person.  All this, plus an interview with Cat Boat, tonight on Sixty Minutes.
I've been working on the next animation. It's going to take some time. This one involves Lily. It should be ready in about three weeks. I'd do it next weekend, but I have family in town.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

I don't understand my arms.

Mira, Goose, Bowler Hat Man, the caffeine-addicted Panda, Samurai, La-crosse Player, and Lily the Ferret.

Just a quick illustration this week. This one introduces the Panda, who is addicted to caffeine, and Lily the Ferret.
Note that Mira and the Goose are supposed to be pointing towards the camera. The way I drew it, it kind of looks like her right arm is melting off.

Monday, September 26, 2011



Monday, September 19, 2011

Comic Featuring Lily riding a Taun-Taun


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Just for Practice.

Instead of a comic, I decided to do a short animation this week. Find it at
The lip sync still needs some work.

Sunday, September 04, 2011


The Cos-Players respond negatively to the cancellation of Megaman Legends 3.

That's supposed to be Other Cos-Player's shoe, a tiny robot (crying tears of oil), and a paperclip in the last frame.
Look what you've done, Capcom! You've made a tiny robot cry!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

If you're paying attention to the titles, I pity you.

Mira and the Lacrosse Player get caught enjoying Thundercats.

I'm going to coin the term "Thunderkitties" for girls who watch Thundercats, at least until someone comes up with a better one.
The Samurai is supposed to be eating a bowl of popcorn, but I inked it a bit too much, and now it looks like a big black glob. Note that it is supposed to be the emergency eyewash station at the end. Sunglasses is not jamming his face into a house plant, or being spit at by a giant grapefruit.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Special thanks to Katy Perry for inspiring this comic. If I hear Fireworks one more time, I may have to punch myself through a plate glass window.
Is it Hindenberg or Hindenburg? I think it's Hindenburg.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Monday, August 01, 2011


I decided to do a comic as an animated GIF. I was kind of fatigued from spending all last week on the cartoon preview.

Is it animated? I'm not sure I did it right.

Anyway, as is my understanding, Idaho is a magical land of potatoes, where you can get all the french fries you want for free.

Dang it, it's not animated, is it? What am I doing wrong?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Just a heads up... The comic may be a little late this week.



Just go to and follow the Cartoons link, then click on the third link.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

There is a goose that looks just like Penguin and a girl that looks just like Sunglasses... Creepy.

CRUD. I'm really falling behind on this cartoon. Why does everyone have to keep giving me menial tasks? I waste so much of my time cleaning this house, with nothing to show for it.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Penguin forgets he is being attacked by a sock monster.


Monday, July 04, 2011

There are ANTS IN THE HOUSE!!!

The Raccoon eats all the oatmeal, and the Old Lady is sooo mad.  She calls animal control.

As Homestar Runner would say, Happy Fireworks, everybody.
I miss Homestar Runner.

Monday, June 27, 2011

A Borrowed Muskrat

Sunglasses has a garage sale, but Eel Marty does not understand.

This is my blog. You must feed it. It prefers feline supplement number 25. You must also provide it with a sandbox. Also, tell it its a good blog, and a pretty blog.

I'm pretty sure I got Eel Marty's spots wrong.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Cos Player messes up and winds up as some sort of Wolverine-Thing-Spider Man -Captain America -Nightcrawler- Hell Boy - Viewtiful Joe - Link - Godzilla - Homestar Runner - Mario - Sonic - M and M Mega Man - Soul Caliber - creature.  People cos-play as M and Ms, right?

Ugh.. This idea seamed a lot funnier in my head. This will probably be the 404 page on the new website.

Possible slogans for my comic:
"Charles Work PPL: It averages out pretty well."
"Charles Work PPL: Just Google it. Trust me. It's hilarious."
"Charles Work PPL: The lobster ate all the good slogans."
"Charles Work PPL: Please don't sue us."
"Charles Work PPL: I'll shut up about Shadow the Hedgehog when I receive a formal written apology!"
"Charles Work PPL: Be confused. Be VERY confused."
"Charles Work PPL: The 'P' stands for comics!"
"Charles Work PPL: If it starts to make sense, seek psychiatric help immediately."
"PPL Time, with Sunglasses the sunglass man and Penguin the penguin."

Monday, June 06, 2011

Too many Bobble Heads!!!

The Other Cos Player is ignored by Sunglasses.
CRUD. Blogger is not responding... I can't get the comic up. I promise to get it up as soon as I can. I've got it scanned and everything... Please don't break my legs.

I did some updates on the last animation, and put them up on I didn't quite get the problems with the lip-sync worked out, but I did add some music. Well, enjoy. Also, rest assured I'm busily preparing for the next one.


Monday, May 30, 2011

Boss Select Screen.

Sorry if this one is kind of lame. I spent most of my time this weekend working on the website, so I just put something together using the work I've already done for an upcoming feature on the new site. Consider this a preview.

Monday, May 23, 2011

This Bubble Bath Tastes Funny...

Sunglasses finds his soul finally back in his rightful body.  Lily eats a jigsaw puzzle.

I finally fixed the expensive printer that the people at Wal Mart tricked my Grandma into buying. It cost me seventy dollars just to get the parts and ink. Why must printers cause us so much trouble? Why can't they be more like thumb drives?

Man, I wish I had more time to play Radiant Historia. Do you think if I keep mentioning Radiant HIstoria, they'll give me free stuff? Radiant Historia.

I spoke too soon. My printer/scanner is acting up again.

F.Y.I, the Tormentor from last week's comic was meant to be a monstrous combination of The Cos-Player and Shadow the Hedgehog: The two people who've caused Sunglasses the most grief.

Okay. Here we go. I got it to scan.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Whatcha gonna do, cry about it?

The Tormentor is felled by the Future Penguin.

Uuuugh. I shouldn't have eaten all those bratwursts.

Follow the World's Worst Ninja on Facebook!

Monday, May 09, 2011

They enter the Sunglass Mind Space to return his soul to its rightful body, but are hounded by The Tormentor.

I finally set up a real website for my cartoons. Blogger doesn't accept Flash, so I was having to translate to .MOV files, and it took up too much space. I don't really have the site set up yet, but I went ahead and posted my last animation. Check it out at

Does anyone have that game Radiant Historia yet? They never have it when I'm at Gamestop.

Monday, May 02, 2011

May I take a bite out of your ear?

The ninja convinces the Ghost of the Titanic to return Sunglasses to his body because he is his best friend.  The Ghost of the Titanic turns out to be best friends with the bones of Amelia Earhart.

Wow. It's been a while since I've posted a new comic. I hope it's a good one.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Heu, I made a cartoon last week. Cut me some slack.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Drumroll, Please...


I'm not one hundred percent happy with the voice work. The Raccoon just doesn't sound right. I would fire that guy... but it's me, so I can't.
I might post this on YouTube eventually, but I have some more improvements I need to do first.

Anyway, next week's update is going to be a bit... low key. I've been working on this nearly every spare moment since the weekend, and I desperately need to play some Lufia and Monster Tale instead.

My eyes are really tired. I think I may have lost my mind at some point.

The music is kind of terrible. I threw that in at the last minute. If I'd known you could do this in GarageBand, I would have done something better.

Remind me to fix the lip sync errors later.

If somebody could post this to my Facebook wall, I'd appreciate it. I don't have the energy.


Monday, April 18, 2011

I have something in the works, but it might be a couple days late. I'd be doing you a disservice if I brought it up unfinished.

Monday, April 11, 2011



Sunday, April 03, 2011


Here it is. The cartoon I've been working on since February. I've logged hundreds of hours and spent thousands of dollars on animation software, but I think it was worth it. I would like to dedicate this movie to all the animators who gave their lives that this project might become a reality. We're gonna miss you, buddies.
So, without further ado, behold the grandeur of what I have created!!! (If you have to go to the bathroom, now is the time. I don't want anyone walking around while the movie plays.)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Only the Ghost of the Titanic can return Sunglasses to his body. Taco Knight and Jail Bee duke it out over a land dispute.

Oops! I've been so busy with 3D Street Fighter that I forgot to post the comic.
Good news, bad news. The good news is that there's a game coming out featuring Samurai Jack, Bloo from Foster's Home, Ben 10, Chowder, and other Cartoon Network characters. The bad news is that the game looks terrible. It's made by Crave Games, the same company as every other Cartoon Network game, and they do NOT have a good track record. Worse, they couldn't even get Phil Lamarr to reprise his role as Samurai Jack. This makes me want to put my head through a window pane.

Monday, March 21, 2011

It Was a Centipede

I accidentally dropped my book bag on the way to work and shattered my jar of peanuts. I had a bag of peanuts and broken glass. I tried to sort out the peanuts from the glass, but I decided I did not like peanuts enough to risk ingesting shards of glass.

Does anyone have Pokemon Black or White? I need to trade for a Snivy or Oshawott. I'm also still looking for a Squirtle.

Sometimes I go out for ice cream and eat it by myself. Is that weird?

Monday, March 14, 2011


The Ninja gets confused and tries to reenact a scene from ET.

Obviously, this has been a really bad weekend in the world. I'm kind of worried about my friend Yogi in Japan. I never really caught his full name, so I don't know how to check on him. I hope he's okay. Anyway, I didn't feel like writing a comic, but I did one anyway, since people kind of need things like this when times are bad.

Monday, March 07, 2011


I really hate to say it, but Blogger doesn't seem to want to let me upload my image. I'll try to get it on later.

I just started Pokemon White, and it's pretty awesome. The name of Team Plasma didn't make much sense at first, but I decided Plasma was actually an acronym. I think it stands for "Pokemon Liberation Army of... Southern... Massachusets." My mind is shot.

Anyway, I think someone heard me describe his acting abilities by saying that Johnny Depp was a chameleon, and took me literally.

Update, 3-10-11: Okay. Here it is. I guess the file was too big. Unfortunately, I had to reduce the quality to make it fit. I wish I had a new printer.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sunglasses soul is trapped in mashed potatoes.  The Ninja shows him his Star Wars and Glee collections.

I noticed that every public park in my town has the same sign. They all have a sign in the same font and everything, with an upright stone to the right and a flat stone to the left. It's interesting because... Okay, it's not interesting. My life is just really boring right now.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Silly Rabbit. Oil Slicks are for Skids.

Sunglasses soul is trapped in mashed potatoes.  Mashed potatoes can be your friend.

Weird Al was right; Mashed potatoes can be your friend.

Monday, February 14, 2011

What's a Valentine?

Sunglasses ticks off the Ghost of the Titanic and Old Man Winter.

This one came up a little blurry because I had to borrow a scanner. The Kodak AiO that Wal Mart tricked my grandmother into buying stopped scanning because it's out of color ink.
1. It is NOT out of color ink because it's never successfully printed a picture.
2. Why the heck do you need color ink to scan something!?
3. This has nothing to do with either, but why can't we get Mother 3 in this country!?

Monday, February 07, 2011


I dream of Decepticons.  I will rule the galaxy.  It is my destiny.

I don't know if there is any actual joke here. Can the joke be that there isn't a joke?
Making sense is hard. I've had a rough week, what with the weather and all.
Anyway, I finished Epic Mickey this week. I'm not even going to try not to say it; Epic Mickey is an epic win.
I've almost finished that bicentennial comic related project about which I have been referring. It's going to take some more time, but rest assured, it's gonna be sweeeeeet.

Monday, January 31, 2011

I live in constant fear of earaches.

Random stuff happens.  Cyclops robot lepracauns, Vampire Santa Claus, and Dino Washington.

I sure hope the ice storm doesn't shut off our power.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Two - Hunno!

Two hundred posts! Ohh Yeaah! Alll Riiight!

It would be really annoying in a video game if there was a computer controlled character who was supposed to help you, but he just said "I really have to go to the bathroom" and you never saw him again.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Old Lady gets her spot stolen and Sunglasses finds unwanted celebrity status.

I'm nearing my two hundredth post. I have something really cool planned for the occasion, but it might take a couple weeks.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Uuuunghh... I'm so very tired. YOU make sense of this one.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Try PPL Today!  No Bunny Down!

Good grief, that background took a long time to draw.
Do you ever accidentally set your microwave on the "Alchemy" setting and turn your bowl of oatmeal into a bar of lead?