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Monday, October 25, 2010

Get the Band-Aid!!!!

Do not mess with the Penguin.  Why is there a bone in his suit pocket?

Man, I really get sick of these negative campaign ads. I find it obnoxious when rival fast food chains disrespect each other, let alone people.

Can someone tell me how to play Fatal Fury 3? I'm really bad at it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The British are Coming!

Cos-Player goes out with Dethro to annoy Sunglasses and discovers his terrifying secret.

Dang it... What was I about to say? I knew I had something interesting or important to write here... Did it involve Kirby, or how I accidentally ran my Pokewalker through the washing machine? I'm drawing a blank. I really need to start making these posts on some day other than Monday, when my brain is dead.

Monday, October 11, 2010

I Like Tortles.

Catboat and Suitcase star in a doomed sitcom.

Man, I always look forward to these federal holidays, but I always end up wasting them reading about Fraggle Rock on Wikipedia.

Monday, October 04, 2010

How can you make pudding out of bread?

Sunglasses punches a Sinestroid.

I decided to do a wallpaper illustration instead of a comic today. I hope the size is satisfactory for display upon a computer monitor.

Growing up is hard in a small town... especially when you start developing mutant powers. My mutant power is kind of lame. I shoot blood out my eyes like a horned toad. My doctor calls it a "massive ocular hemorage." I prefer to think of it as a super power. I feel dizzy...