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Monday, January 26, 2009

Use a Gummi Worm to Catch One of Those Swedish Fish.

Sunglasses draws a weird film noir comic.

Anyway, my trailer is haunted because one of the workers who built it must have died of an industrial accident, and now his eerie heart beat resonates in the heating system. Or maaayyybeee it's just the metal in the vents contracting in the heat. Either way, I bought a pack of earplugs.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I Like Squirrels.

Raccoon gets crazier and the Penguin still makes sound effects with his mouth.

Sorry about that mark at the side. This one was too big for the scanner, so I had to cut and paste.

I had someone come to figure out why the vents were making noises. It turns out the place is haunted.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Smell How Breath my Fresh Is!

The Cosplayer discovers that zombies don't fear Final Fantasy spells.

There's a horrible dripping sound somewhere in my house. Recently, I've only been able to get enough sleep to have bizaare dreams that I'm on some kind of epic quest with a group of tiny cereal mascots to protect the little girl from Alien II.
Anyway, does anyone know where I can buy a used Battlebot for a reasonable price?

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Sometimes, I eat a bowl of airplanes.

The Raccoon halucinates and thinks a bean bag is a rat creature.  Jumps out window.  Talking plant provides commentary.

Walgreens is a great place to get stuff when you're a few items short for your garage sale... except for Beanie Babies, which are still awesome.
Anyway, nobody knows who Flat Stanley is.

Friday, January 02, 2009

There are Zombies in my Soup!

The Raccoon crashes with the penguin and co.  They watch the pilot episode of Mother Goose and Grimlock.  The raccoon thinks his parents were eaten by Bat Creatures.  Maybe they just disowned him.
I'd like to dedicate this one to the late Maddie Blaustein, voice of Meowth on Pokemon. One of the best actors they had on the show, she almost made Team Rocket tolerable. She will be missed.
If you can't tell, that's a widescreen TV in the first panel. That's a commercial for a chainsaw running.
Since it took me so long to get this up, I'll probably wait until about Wednesday to put up the next one.