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Monday, November 17, 2008

Heavens to Bootsie!

Please don't tell me how similar this is to "Powered by The Cheat." This has already been brought to my attention.
"Heavens to Bootsie" is just something funny my cousin's three year old sun said. I thought it was pretty clever.
I'm playing Shining Force II on the Virtual Console while I write this. It's pretty good... not as good as Chrono Trigger, but what is?
I'll tell you what else is good: "The World Ends with You." I originally dismissed it because of the characters' irritating hipster attire, but it has an interesting plot and characters. I particularly like the guy who puts math terms in all his sentences. That guy's awesome.
I'm pretty sure I want Chrono Trigger for birthday. Failing that, I suppose I would want "Kota the Triceratops," but only because I'm confused and think it's a living dinosaur and will read me bedtime about robots named Rod and Todd.

1 comment:

Scott Jensen said...

this is so funny. i didnt know lily had a therapist, although it is obvious she needed one