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Sunday, November 24, 2024

More Samples from Chapter 2

I started a new job, and it's eating up most of my time this week, so in lieu of a new comic (and because last week's was kind of awful), here are some more samples from Chapter 2.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Monday, November 11, 2024

Pride 2024, Remastered

I wanted to focus on the book this week, but recent tragic electoral events made me decide it was a good time to post something in support of my LGBTQ friends and family.
I added Little Carl and Carl Foxx as well. Little Carl is a trans boy. Agent Foxx is thered to support his son.
I wish I could have done more to affect this election's outcome, and I am afraid of the direction this country is going. I wish I didn't have to keep fighting, but I have no choice. I'm going to keep going, and so must all of us. We beat the vile man before, and we'll do it again. Human rights and climate progress will be slowed, but not stopped. I'll be here, and you have my promise that I'll keep working to make this comic the wokest dang thing you've ever seen. Charles Work- Working for you.
Stay strong. Stay vigilant. Be kind to each other, and take care of yourselves.
PPL-Comics stands for justice and equality.

Monday, November 04, 2024

Chapter 1 Cover

I drew a potential cover for the first chapter. I might do multiple versions of this. Anyway... If you're in the US, please go out and vote, if you haven't already.