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Monday, March 30, 2015

New Cartoon, Coming Soon.

No comic today, but I will have a new cartoon up at on Wednesday. I've finished the animation, but I need a to do some editing, and finish this music I've been composing. I hope you all like polka!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Cos-Play Hero, p61

Dethro takes a licking, but keeps on ticking.  Literally.  He makes ticking noises, like a locust, that you can only hear when it gets really quiet.
As some of you may have guessed, that wasn't a mysterious monster in the last comic, but actually just Dethro. Well, it was a different mysterious monster, I guess I should say. Long-time readers might remember that I usually give Dethro a weird, distorted, hand-drawn, and hard-to-read font when he speaks, but I'm experimenting with ways to make the comic easier to read on smaller devices, so I thought this red on black font would do in a pinch. I'll probably go back to the hand-drawn text for Dethro before the final version.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p60

Agent Carl Foxx panics and provokes a mysterious monster.
What the HECK is it, Edgar!? Has Agent Carl Foxx's panic awakened a sleeping giant? What will befall our heroes? Find out next week, on the PPL-Comics show!

Monday, March 09, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p59

I'm really happy with how the second frame turned out. The last frame, though, looks terrible, and I'm kind of creeped out just looking at it. (I obviously threw the first frame together at the last minute. I really need to practice my backgrounds.) Is the Scooby Snacks joke funny at all? I had to draw this page to move the plot along, so I kind of came up with the punchline after the fact.