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Monday, February 23, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p57

The paranormal investigators meet with interference.
This was supposed to be a two-pager, but I'm still working on page 2. That's why this joke doesn't have a punch line.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Comic will be late. Feeling sick. Tree pollen too high. Curse you, tree pollen! Come in here and fight me like a man!!! Update: Feb 17, 2015. Still working on the next page of the comic. In the mean time, I've uploaded the next part of my series of animated shorts. Check it out by clicking these letters.

Monday, February 09, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p56

I'm taking a slight detour from the storyline while I figure out how to tie all these plot lines together. I'm doing a short sub-plot about two paranormal investigators working for the FCC. This takes place at the same time as Olivia's story.
Two paranormal investigators take a new case.

Monday, February 02, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p53, p54, and p55

I thought about spacing these out over the whole week, but... why hold this thing up any longer?
Rabbit begins to succumb to oxygen deprivation.
Jarka the Sinestroid gloats over his apparent victory.
The rabbit springs his long-planned trap.