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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Country Bob's Taters

Country Bob is a real person!?
Umm... Things are kind of busy right now. I'll be back with part 96 soon.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p95: A Shot in the Dark

Penguin meets his captor while Raccoon and co are under attack.
Gee, he really has messed up that desk. Shame on him. That wool hat was probably worth something as well. Hope Old Lady has a mending kit handy.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p93: Duct Tape

Professor Maskstaschen has been kidnapped! I posted some new stuff on my RedBubble shop ( here). For November 30th only, you can get %20 off everything with the coupon code "CM20". So... now's your chance.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p92 - How Many Lights?

Raccoon, Old Lady, and Top Hat search for Sunglasses and Olivia while Penguin and Ninja are interrogated.
I hope the obscure reference makes up for the relative lack of quality this week. I feel like I did something really weird when I was measuring the page.
By the way, I have another comic up in Nintendo Force Issue 18, available for order now.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p91 - Asleep in the Car

Raccoon falls asleep in the car.
Sorry if the quality of this one isn't up to par. I'm kind of racing the weather at the moment, trying to finish before it gets too bad to run a computer.

Sunday, November 08, 2015

New Shirt

I've got a lot going on this week, so instead of a new comic page, I decided to go ahead and print up my holiday card/shirt for the year. I may upload a Thanksgiving card later this week. Check it out.

Monday, November 02, 2015

Monday, October 26, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p89

Penguin and Ninja are masters of stealth!  (They were ambushed ten seconds later.)

Sorry I didn't post one last week. I was working on a different project, the details of which I'll reveal shortly.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p88

Ninja and Penguin make a discovery.

I don't know if anyone will get the visual reference in this page. I suppose somewhere on Earth, someone is bound to get it eventually.

Monday, October 05, 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p84

The hostage shows his true colors.

I don't know if this story is really cool, or really stupid. Maybe... both?
Please don't look too closely at those teeth. I promise I'll fix them later. Agh...

Monday, September 14, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p82, p83

Sorry about the wait on this one. As you can see from the picture I posted on Red-Bubble last week, though, I just got back from a tropical vacation.
No, not really. Somebody wrecked my car. I spent most of my weekend car shopping. More on this later.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday, August 24, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p80

Cos-Player fights dirty.

Woo. Eighty pages and counting.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday, August 10, 2015

I've been really busy this weekend, so I was unable to finish a comic to my satisfaction. It will be up next weekend.

Monday, August 03, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p78

Cos-Player drops in on the ogre and CAFG.

MUCH better drawing than last week, though I'll be the first to admit that CAFG's left hand looks like a series of deformed prawn glued to a croissant.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p76

Everyone heads to the city while Dethro babysits Lily.
I'm not terribly pleased with the speech bubble placement. I'll have to go back and edit this before the final mission. By the way, I've finally figured out how to properly convert my Flash files to to quicktime format so I can put them on youtube. Check out Virtual Father's Day, Remastered, and don't forget to subscribe. I'll be uploading some more of the best cartoons from later.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p75

Cos-Player receives a mysterious phone call.

More previous still...
Cos-Player takes a second hand mouse.

...and now...
Cos-Player prepares to set things straight.  Also, she's renting part of her house, apparently.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p74

Sunglasses tells the traumatic tale of being trapped in a trailer in a tornado.

I thought of the "Nutty Bars" thing because I've been eating Nutty Bars.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p73

Top Hat requests Old Lady&#39s help.  Dethro BABYSITS!?
That's supposed to be a Tim Allen grunt there at the end. "UWAAAAGH!?

Monday, June 15, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p72

Sunglasses reacts to a bad weather forecast.
Something, something, words, explanation, Ryu, Earthbound, gotta go now, BYE!

Monday, June 08, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p70 and p71

Raccoon dreams of a dangerous quest.
Raccoon has a bizarre and ominous vision.
That second one is kinda creepy, right? Raccoon sure has problems. If this is your first time here, let me assure you that my comic usually makes... slightly more sense than this.

Monday, May 25, 2015

I'm running a little late. New stuff coming soon.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p69

Previously, Olivia and Sunglasses received word that Cos-Player had been kidnapped. Is it true, or are they being led into a trap?
Olivia the Other Cos-Player attempts to confess her feelings... poorly.
Sorry there's not much action in this one. I'm tying together a lot of plot threads before the final act, and it's requiring a lot of set-up.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p67

Penguin tries to buy Street Fighter fruit snacks, but all they have is Mortal Kombat Scorpionions.  Agent Carl Foxx works undercover.
I'm more of a Street Fighter fan, so I'm not even sure if this joke makes sense. Ironically, you still have to pay for Mortal Kombat snacks using Bison Dollars.
I could go for some Tatsumaki-Fruit-Snacks right now.

Monday, May 04, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p67

Raccoon starts acting crazier.
Sorry. This one's a bit rough. I had to spend some time on another side project this weekend.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p65


...and now...

Olivia&#39s mother comes home.

Part 65 takes place immediately after Part 27, so I decided to reprint it here, to save you the trouble of looking it up. Aren't I considerate? I also had to edit the dialogue a little bit in Part 27 to facilitate this connection. It actually solves a couple problems I had with the plot, since I really had no idea where the two Cos-Players had been dropped off after the helicopter crash. I bet you didn't know how this Paranormal Investigators sub plot had anything to do with Olivia's narrative, but... now you know... and knowing is half the battle.
As for Agent Carl Foxx, I have plans to work him into the story again later on.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p63

The mysterious creature escapes its chrysalis.
I'm not sure it's clear what happened. The creature escaped its chrysalis.
By the way, I updated my other website, I fixed the music player, and I've been working on the visual aspects of the site. I think it's lookin' pretty good there!

Monday, April 06, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p62 and New Cartoon

No real joke in this one, besides the hilarious physical humor of Agent Foxx falling on his head at the end. Look how flat his head looks! He's like some kind of vulpine anvil.
I may not have mentioned it, but my latest cartoon can be found here. Es ist ausgezeichnet!

Monday, March 30, 2015

New Cartoon, Coming Soon.

No comic today, but I will have a new cartoon up at on Wednesday. I've finished the animation, but I need a to do some editing, and finish this music I've been composing. I hope you all like polka!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Cos-Play Hero, p61

Dethro takes a licking, but keeps on ticking.  Literally.  He makes ticking noises, like a locust, that you can only hear when it gets really quiet.
As some of you may have guessed, that wasn't a mysterious monster in the last comic, but actually just Dethro. Well, it was a different mysterious monster, I guess I should say. Long-time readers might remember that I usually give Dethro a weird, distorted, hand-drawn, and hard-to-read font when he speaks, but I'm experimenting with ways to make the comic easier to read on smaller devices, so I thought this red on black font would do in a pinch. I'll probably go back to the hand-drawn text for Dethro before the final version.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p60

Agent Carl Foxx panics and provokes a mysterious monster.
What the HECK is it, Edgar!? Has Agent Carl Foxx's panic awakened a sleeping giant? What will befall our heroes? Find out next week, on the PPL-Comics show!

Monday, March 09, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p59

I'm really happy with how the second frame turned out. The last frame, though, looks terrible, and I'm kind of creeped out just looking at it. (I obviously threw the first frame together at the last minute. I really need to practice my backgrounds.) Is the Scooby Snacks joke funny at all? I had to draw this page to move the plot along, so I kind of came up with the punchline after the fact.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p57

The paranormal investigators meet with interference.
This was supposed to be a two-pager, but I'm still working on page 2. That's why this joke doesn't have a punch line.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Comic will be late. Feeling sick. Tree pollen too high. Curse you, tree pollen! Come in here and fight me like a man!!! Update: Feb 17, 2015. Still working on the next page of the comic. In the mean time, I've uploaded the next part of my series of animated shorts. Check it out by clicking these letters.

Monday, February 09, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p56

I'm taking a slight detour from the storyline while I figure out how to tie all these plot lines together. I'm doing a short sub-plot about two paranormal investigators working for the FCC. This takes place at the same time as Olivia's story.
Two paranormal investigators take a new case.

Monday, February 02, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p53, p54, and p55

I thought about spacing these out over the whole week, but... why hold this thing up any longer?
Rabbit begins to succumb to oxygen deprivation.
Jarka the Sinestroid gloats over his apparent victory.
The rabbit springs his long-planned trap.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p52

Rabbit fights aboard a space jet.
Agh. I really hate how this one turned out.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Cos-Play Hero p50 and p51

Jarka gets a cape in the face.Rabbit goes for a ride.

If you caught the joke on the LARS' bumper sticker, you must have golden eyes.
Oh, and there's a fifteen percent off sale at Redbubble. This would be the perfect time to pick up some of my shirts or mugs or what have you. Use the code "TWENTY15" at checkout.