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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p30

Penguin interrogates Top Hat at a pizza party.  Talk of Popples ensues.  WHAT the HECk is a POPPLE??

Popples were a thing. Look it up.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p29

Many years ago, the Pointy Haired Guy is left home alone.

Note that this takes place before Olivia the Other Cos-Player finishes telling her story.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Cos-Play Hero p28

Olivia the Other Cos-Player reaches the end of her story, and Penguin interrupts with some terrible news.
Okay, now that I've reached an exciting cliffhanger, I'm going to take some time off from the main storyline to fit in some amusing anecdotes and side stories.