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Sunday, April 28, 2013

I Need to Read a Magazine

Old Lady saves Ninja and Sunglasses from giant robotic flies.  Penguin and Cos-Player dress as Hercule Poirot and Paula from Earthbound, respectively, and for little or no reason.


Charles Work will be attending Soonercon 22 at the Reed Conference Center in Oklahoma City, on June 28. Please show up promptly for autographs and high-fives. I may have some sort of stickers or print outs for sale, if feasible. ABSOLUTELY NO STALKERS THIS TIME.

When you try to search for Hercule Poirot on the iPhone, it autocorrects it to "Hercule Poorly." It looks like I found the name for my new Agatha Christie parody series!

Monday, April 22, 2013

I don't have anything funny

Old Lady tries to restore her lost strength. It has been a terrible couple weeks in America. I would try to say something uplifting, but I'm not any good at it. The best I can do is to try to alleviate some of the pain with my silly comics. I usually try to write something funny in the comic title panel, but I didn't have anything funny tonight. I just don't feel up to it.

Monday, April 15, 2013

I Saw a Little Kid Punch His Mom in the Eye

Old Lady attempts to use her Mom Power to clean the utility room.
Well, I'm back from Disney World... Now I have to go back to stupid reality. Dang it... and my house smells like rancid milk for some reason. It seems to be coming from the vents.

Friday, April 05, 2013


I hope you all enjoyed my April Fools joke last week. I drew up a poster to commemorate this event.
Eel Marty brings the Marty to you.

Monday, April 01, 2013

Check out my new style!

I know I already kind of did two cartoons last month, but I decided to do a new one as well. I'm taking the cartoon in a brave new direction, and I hope you like it. Check out my new style!