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Monday, September 27, 2010

Penguin eats Sunglasses hat.

This comic didn't take very long to draw, since it's just the penguin and Sunglasses talking. I wanted to get it done quickly, since it was a busy weekend. So, I drew this out before lunch, and-
We'll continue later. Psydrozon is outside.

Monday, September 20, 2010

I Think I Broke Something...

The ninja sings a silly song from Sid the Science Kid, and nearly gets eaten by a dinosaur disguised as an ogre.  Includes failed robot combination.

I think they renamed terradactyls pteranadons. Apparently, they couldn't actually fly, and just crawled around on the ground with their mostly useless wings. Stupid dinosaurs... You've disappointed me yet again. Why can't they be more like Swoop the Dinobot?

Monday, September 13, 2010


The Cos Player writes a weird comic about the Ninja.

This one didn't turn out very well because my pen sort of ran out of ink part way through. For the joke to really work, the comic would have to have about six pages of weird poses.

I finished Metroid: Other M. The game was pretty good, but I still like Metroid Prime better. It's weird that this game is so easy, since it came from the Ninja Gaiden people. The cut scenes were great, but parts of the plot seemed a little forced. I'd still recommend it, though.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Blame it on Robots.

Cos-Player eats some bad eggs.  Eel Marty works at the diner.

Can you help me find my other arm?

I went to Jamba Juice to get a smoothy, and the guy asked if I wanted an immunity boost.
I asked if it would help give me immunity against cold viruses.
He said "Yes."
I asked if it would help give me immunity against flu viruses.
He said "Yes."
I asked if it would give me immunity against fire and dragon breath attacks.
He said "No."
I asked if it would help give me immunity against salmonella.
He said "Yes."
I asked if it would help give me immunity against Kryptonite.
He said "No."