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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

On Vacation

If this seems rushed, it's because I scribbled it out before I left for Florida.

Anyway, Dragon Quest IX is awesome. Does anyone else have it?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Never ask Gerard Butler what part of Greece you're in.

More stuff happens.  A Boy and His Blob, Klonoa, and Little King Story are referenced.

Here is the exciting conclusion.
If you caught all the references, you're awesome. I'm not going to explain them all, though. You can use the picture's rollover text to see what games I'm referencing. Play them yourself!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hnnnghh... Too Tired.

This one is kind of a work in progress... It's also a two parter, so I'll be posting the second page next week. I'll try and add some backgrounds, shading, etc, to this page.

I try to reference every game that needs it.

Nintendo Power had an article on the games people should be playing but aren't, so I thought I would draw a comic referencing every game on the list. Now, if you want to make any sense whatsoever out of this, you'll have to play each and every one of them! Muahahaha! Anyway, have fun trying to guess what I'm referencing.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Old Lady gets stuck in a tree.

That's supposed to be a giant fire fighter with an extinguisher in the last frame. Sorry. These things are hard to draw.
I wonder if the phrase "giant cyclopean firefighter" will work in Super Scribblenauts... Only time will tell.

I've been playing a lot of "Sin and Punishment: Star Successor." It's pretty good. The only sin is that the plot doesn't make any sense in an otherwise sweet game.