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Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunglasses is finally cured of his split personality disorder.

I just did a very quick colorization of this one. I'm still practicing my Illustrator skills.

Anyway, try to guess how much of the following story I made up.
I got to the office this morning, and there were two birds flying around, chirping maniacally, and roosting on the lighting fixtures. We couldn't figure out how the birds got in the building. They didn't have IDs. I guess they convinced somebody that they left their IDs in the car so that they would let them in the door. Birds are weird.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Kitten Icarus!

The cast of PPL parodies Kid Icarus.  The ninja as Eggplant Wizard gets shot in the eye again.

I finally bought Illustrator. This thing took a long time to draw! Part way through, I got hungry, and had to cook some burgers. I was suddenly attacked by an angry pickle and a hot dog! I had to fend them off using only a pepper shaker!!! It was then that I began to wonder... is a Cylon just a cyborg made of nylon? In closing, real winners don't use drugs... unless they're in some kind of illegal drug using contest, which is wrong.

Monday, June 14, 2010

I Broke Something When I Fell Out of the Blimp

Top Hat fails at turning Sunglasses back to normal.

This is what happens when you mix up the ant/in and the ant/out connections on a VCR: You turn into a weird monster. It's been known to happen to literally millions of Americans every year. Something must be done about this problem! In conclusion, I really am not very good at Monster Hunter Tri.

Monday, June 07, 2010

Ninja attempts Sonic reenactment.  Endangers self, others.  Story on page 13.

Myyyyy braaaaiinn huuuuuuurtssss...