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Monday, May 31, 2010

My eyelids hurt.

I was eating a sandwich, and I thought to myself, "What if if Microsoft released a really crummy version of Windows that nobody liked, and then released a new version a year later, as if in apology?" I'm Charles Work, and Windows 7 was my idea.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Fourth in a four part miniseries!!!

Man, that took a long time to draw. I hope I'm getting the hang of Illustrator. I'm probably going to stick to pen and paper comics for the most part, though.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


The Penguin might be turning into a Gollum because of Fire Emblem.


Look at all the colors!

It's taking some work, but I've almost figured out how to use Illustrator.
The penguin is playing Fire Emblem, if you hadn't guessed.
My cat is sleeping on the floor a foot away from me while I type. That's about as cuddly as he gets.
I couldn't put Top Hat in this one, because he had to go try to close that oil leak. It didn't work.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sunglasses is split into different personalities and hilarity ensues.  I promise I came up with this idea before watching Ben 10 last week.

A tornado narrowly missed my house, but I still managed to get my comic posted. That's how devoted I am.

I didn't shade this comic, because I'm trying to work on it using the free trial version of Adobe Illustrator I just downloaded.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

I bet you're wondering why this comic looks so terrible. It's a long story, but in short, it turns out I don't know how to use a fountain pen.

I think it's funny to use out of context sentences at a crowded restaurant to make it appear you're discussing something interesting. I.E., "Anyway, they found his teeth in it."