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Monday, July 27, 2009

I Smell a Winner!

Sunglasses gets no respect and Lily collects Barbies.

Barbie is a trademark of Mattel. McDonalds is a trademark of McDonalds. Olive Oil is a trademark of the Popeye people.
I really wanted to put more Barbie stuff in Lily's room, but I couldn't think of much else. Maybe one of those Power Wheels Barbie Jeeps, or a Barbie blanket. Unfortunately, I don't know much about Barbie. That one on the right side of the top shelf is supposed to be astronaut Barbie, not freakishly deformed cyclops Barbie, which is how it looks.
My grandmother is convinced they'll be coming after me with butterfly nets when they start reading these comics.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Product Shown Rated E through T.

Penguin notices something is missing.  Giant snails attack.
No, they aren't holding giant cinammon rolls. They're just running at high speed to get away from those snails.
I feel sorry for Sideways in the Transformers movie, getting killed off in the first ten minutes. For a Decepticon, he didn't seem like that bad a guy, judging from his character bio. Still, Sideswipe cutting him in half was one of the coolest things I've ever seen.

Update: 7/23/09:
I don't know if you've heard this or not, but it seems Comedy Central is trying to bring back Futurama... WITHOUT the original voice cast. If you've ever watched the show, then I don't need to explain why this cannot be allowed to happen. There are already two Facebook groups set up to prevent this travesty. I'll put some links to these groups to the right. I reccomend you join them both if you have a Facebook account. They've dug up some e-mail addresses to which we can send our complaints, and plead with those in charge to change their minds about this before it's too late. I'll go ahead and reprint them here, in case any of my readers would like to help stop this injustice.

Monday, July 13, 2009

That is Crazy, Jade. You Are Crazy!

The Librarian and Zeitgeist duke it out.

If you caught my literary reference, kudos.
Man... Never handle comics with wet hands. Does anyone have a program that could take that smudge out?

Monday, July 06, 2009

I Once Ran in the Indie 500!!!

Penguin and Eugene explain that Transformers II and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull are awesome.
Penguin and Eugene give Top Hat what-for about Transformers 2 and Indiana Jones 4.

Seriously. I love both of those movies. What is up with all the negativity towards Revenge of the Fallen? If you ask me, these people hated it before they entered the theatre, and nitpicked every little thing in order to justify their hatred. I think it was great. I especially liked Jetfire's scene. Yes, there were a couple crude jokes, but it was still much cleaner than a lot of Pg-13 movies (I'm looking at you, Austin Powers). Ordinarily, I would go into a long essay, explaining point by point why this movie is worth seeing, but since people have already gone resorted to ridicilous hyperbole against this film, I have no choice but to use ridiculous hyperbole in its defense.

Revenge of the Fallen is not only the best movie ever made, but possibly the best movie possible. All Hollywood studios should close their gates, as there is clearly no point in producing any more films.

I think we could bring peace to the Middle East with this movie. Just build a giant projector in Israel, and project the film onto the moon. After seeing this cinematic masterpiece, there will be peace between Israel and Palestine, and all the world's children will gather together and sing.

In small quantities, a daily dose of Revenge of the Fallen can promote long life, and halt male pattern baldness in ninety-three percent of test cases.

One time, I was swimming in the ocean, and I was attacked by a pack of viscious tiger sharks. Revenge of the Fallen rode in on surfboard, and rescued me using naught but its own psyionic mind bullets.