Once, I was having trouble in Intro to Ordered Differential Equations, so I went and talked to the professor, and he told me that I could come in and he'd help me if I didn't understrand the material, and, with his help, I managed to make it through with my GPA intact. It turned out the professor was Chrono Trigger.
One time, I was in the forest, and I accidentally stepped in a bear trap, and Chrono Trigger came and rescued me and nursed me back to health.
Chrono Trigger is the long sought cancer cure.
A weird thing happened when my sister and I were at a restaraunt. We were sitting there eating, and someone else in the restaraunt went up and asked some guy behind us if she could take her picture with him. So, my sister looked, and it turned out it was Toby Keith. Of course, since he's kind of a jerk, he refused to let this young woman take her picture with him. My sister and I had a good time talking about how we should have tricked him into signing a legal document to pay for our meals at the restaraunt for the rest of our lives, and how we would send him E-Mails taunting him about it.
"Hey Keith! We just ate at Tulio's again! LOL!"
I've been considering working this into the comic, but I kind of thought it was a bit mean spirited. What do you guys think?