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Monday, June 30, 2008

Money Doesn't Go on Tees.

Another top hat man doppelganger appears. The penguin refuses to carpool with a death row inmate. Sunglasses turns into a pineapple.
Quite frankly, one doppelganger is too many.

7/2/08: I just found out they were giving out Deoxys for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl last weekend. Did any of my reader(s) get one? See my comment.

Monday, June 23, 2008

"C" is for Cookie!!!!

The raccoon people try to kidnap Lily using a giant raccoon robot, but give up when it is brought to their attention that they are lamer than the cos-player.  These are all the rage in Australia! I'm beginning to prefer tracing these in pen. It looks a bit more professional. Hey, I might not be the best artist, but I'm doing the best as I Iron Jay Iron Jay pump that iron every day Iron Jay can.

Monday, June 16, 2008

You're Obsessed with the Fat Lady!

The top hat man goes to a smoothy shop, and finds that he has an exact double running around. He becomes very paranoid.  The penguin sings a Pink Floyd parody.  Featuring the cos-player as Captain America. Here's how I think they decided that Knuckles would be an Echidna:
-Okay, we've got this red spiky guy, but we have no idea what he is. What's another spiky mammal?
-Well, there's the echidna, but-
-Perfect! He'll be Knuckles the Echidna!
- -but sir, Echidnas have long snouts and no teeth, and lay eggs!
-Too late! I've already written in "Echidna" with a Sharpie. I'm NOT filling out this form again.
-Can't you just use some White-Out?
-We don't have any White-Out. The interns kept getting into it, and we had to take it away.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I... Like... Oranges.

Apparently, Lily doesn't have a belly button... or so she claims...
I traced over this with a pen for a change. It looks a lot clearer, but it's harder to shade. I may do a second draft and add some more shadow. It might help if I had a fancy fountain pen or something. Also, here's a picture I made of an angry running guy in a suit.