That looks like a helicopter cockpit, right?
Now, here's a heads up. Last Monday, I rediscovered an old cartoon by the title of "The Raccoons." I used to watch it all the time when it was on Disney back in the eighties. The idea of the show was that there was a group of anthropomorphised raccoons that lived in the forest. The villain was some kind of mutant, cigar-smoking aardvark who always wanted to tear down the forest to build a landromat or something. He may have been an alien at one point; it took them a couple seasons for the writers to get the plot figured out. Here's a website on it:
Does anybody else remember this show? Anybody? Gopo, did you ever see this one? Drop me a line. I'm spending all my time in my room searching for jobs, and I've had very little contact with the outside world for the past several weeks. Anyhow, I'm going to be making some references to it in a couple weeks. I don't want to have to explain it ten times, so I thought I would say something now. It wouldn't be funny if I had to explain it afterwards. Then again, it's always more amusing for me when no one else understands, but I thought I would give my readers a break.
You're a human airplane, Dr. Morris!
Keywords: Axe, Helicoptor, Losing a Hand, Magnum Badger, Megatron vs. Optimus, Metal Gear Parody, Transformers, Trapped in a Locker.