This one's a tad small... I kind of just scribbled it out with a borrowed pen. That's how the week went.
Anyway, I think the title above would make a great quote on a T-Shirt. Would anyone buy one if I printed some out? I'll consider it if I can get enough takers.
Also, I heard that the voice actress who voiced Rouge and Omochao in Sonic Adventure 2 is in Smash Bros Brawl. Wouldn't it be great if Omochao appeared?
"Hi! I'm Omochao! I can give you hints to help you!"
"Hold up on the Wii-Remote control pad, and press the '1' button to --"
(Clobbered by Donkey Kong.)
"Owie! I can't believe you did that to me!"
On a side note, what would it be like if Dr. Eggman from Sonic the Hedgehog met Dr. Wiley from Megaman?
"Greetings. I am Dr. Eggman, the greatest scientific genius in--"
"Egg Man? That's a GREAT idea!"
(Runs off to build an egg-throwing robot.)