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Saturday, October 27, 2007

I live in a trailer with a deranged cat and spend my vaction in house with two lawyers.

This one's a tad small... I kind of just scribbled it out with a borrowed pen. That's how the week went.
Anyway, I think the title above would make a great quote on a T-Shirt. Would anyone buy one if I printed some out? I'll consider it if I can get enough takers.
Also, I heard that the voice actress who voiced Rouge and Omochao in Sonic Adventure 2 is in Smash Bros Brawl. Wouldn't it be great if Omochao appeared?
"Hi! I'm Omochao! I can give you hints to help you!"
"Hold up on the Wii-Remote control pad, and press the '1' button to --"
(Clobbered by Donkey Kong.)
"Owie! I can't believe you did that to me!"
On a side note, what would it be like if Dr. Eggman from Sonic the Hedgehog met Dr. Wiley from Megaman?
"Greetings. I am Dr. Eggman, the greatest scientific genius in--"
"Egg Man? That's a GREAT idea!"
(Runs off to build an egg-throwing robot.)

Friday, October 19, 2007

More Distant Puppies... :-(

Sometimes, these comics confuse even me.
Anyway, I'm trying to get people to help campaign to get Ryan Drummond back as the voice of Sonic the Hedgehog. For more information on this topic, see my previous post, or search Wikipedia for Ryan Drummond or Sonic the Hedgehog. Right now, we're writing Nintendo to try and get them to use Ryan Drummond in Smash Bros Brawl. The people on the Save Sonic Forums ( have been writing and phoning Nintendo on the subject, and receiving fairly positive responses, though they seem to suggest the final decision has not been made. We have to keep lobbying, if we don't want a lame cartoon-imitation Sonic defacing what could be the greatest game of the decade.
Here is a link to Nintendo's web form:
Here is their mailing address:
Nintendo of America
PO Box 957
Redmond, WA 98073 .
I'm recommending contacting Nintendo, since they are in charge of Smash Bros, and presumably who voices the characters. Thousands of messages have been sent to Sega of America, but their president recently claimed that the American branch has no control over who does the voice acting... Strange. Anyway, someone on Save Sonic found a bunch of e-mail addresses for Sega of Japan. I'll link to the page here: ( However, I haven't tested all these addresses, so I can't be held responsible for their authenticity. For all I know, you could be e-mailing some poor guy who works at Denny's, complaining to him about something he knows nothing about...
Anyway, I just recommend that any of my viewers (I have viewers, right?) who are interested in helping just drop Nintendo a line, saying that Ryan Drummond should do the voice of Sonic in Smash Bros, and, if they have any say in the matter, Mario and Sonic at the Olympics. You're welcome to send multiple messages, but space them out. Sending more than one every few days will just serve to annoy them. More importantly, be polite, and try to focus more on how good Ryan Drummond is for the character than how bad Jason Griffith is. Negative campaigns seldom work properly.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

People, for the love of all that is holy...
If it requires every last drop of your strength...
DON'T let them use the fake Sonic voice actor in Smash Brothers Brawl.

Monday, October 08, 2007

More News at 11.

Someone once told me that it never works when you add lyrics to video game music. Yeah? Well listen to these words I put to the music from Castelvania II:
Baxter Cat,
You're the Baxter Cat,
You're the one who was,
Known as Buster, but now you are the
Baxter Cat,
You're the Baxter Cat,
You're the one who can,
Fight the Vampires, and stuff like that!
Baxter Kitty!
Vampire Hunter!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I miss Mr. Bill...

NOBODY has the right to tear a hole in the fabric of space and time if you don't want them to.